My nightmare has come true. After 9+ months of getting notices, and being continually lied to by my mother about whether she's paying the mortgage on the house, I got a full note demand /start of foreclosure. My mother refuses to talk to me about what needs to be done to stop it and the mortgage company won't talk to me because my name isn't on anything. All I know is she's AT LEAST 6 months behind at the tune of close to $5000, but I think this letter means they want the whole shebang - $58000+. I told her a year ago I wouldn't be able to help financially if she let it get to this point, so IDK what I'm gonna do. I talked to family for help and unless she transfers the property to me, they won't help. I've already decided I'm not leaving under my own will, so things could get... interesting.
And the fact they send notice on a Friday so there's no way to contact anyone for 3 days is a fucking POS move.

Every single notice had come on a Friday. IDK if it's actually planned that way or coincidence, but it's uncanny.