What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
ok why am i up...oh that's right pay day for everyone here....ugh...at least i can get these guys taken care of and out of the rest of my hair till monday...

ok time to get these guys outa here, then no adulting till bout 4 when i have to mow some lawns and weedeat as well this weekend....nothing like making a few extra bucks off to the side....

coffee is up and hot......


Well-Known Member
another day down on work/my flowering grow. my seeds are in state it says since the 10th but i have no idea what USPS is doing with um. i figured they would have been shipped by now already to my house. im guessing it is going through customs idfk. no way it takes 2 days to get to USPS in my city. weird though because if it were going through customs i would have figured it would of been already seized by now. not worried though it'll get here im sure. if not then i guess im hitting up the damn home depot or something and looking for flower seeds there. no stores here that sell seeds really most of the gardening shops have closed down and the rest are all just selling equipment. dislike going to home depot or lowes there garden section here is garbage. im not saying it's garbage due to the brands but just the lack of products they carry
Are these some special sunflower? You can't get anything locally? Every garden center and home improvement store around here has had a variety of sunflower seeds since the beginning of March. Everything from mini indoor sunflowers to 15+ foot monsters. I'm have some Mammoth seeds I saved from some I grew last year that reached almost 14' tall. I'm hoping to plant at least 50 to do pheno hunting for larger ones.


Well-Known Member
Peeked in to the garage last night after the lights came on for the plants looking at where I need to add some weatherstripping around the door. It looked like the lights were flickering somehow so I came in the house and grabbed the key. Seems that the light was reflecting off the middle of the mylar that was rippling in the breeze where I just stapled the top and bottom. That was different.


Well-Known Member
Are these some special sunflower? You can't get anything locally? Every garden center and home improvement store around here has had a variety of sunflower seeds since the beginning of March. Everything from mini indoor sunflowers to 15+ foot monsters. I'm have some Mammoth seeds I saved from some I grew last year that reached almost 14' tall. I'm hoping to plant at least 50 to do pheno hunting for larger ones.
idk if they are special but i would say a little color wise. i already can tell home depot wont even sell em i alweays see a bunch of vegetables and herbs. i also did buy from burpee but it says it was transfered to usps and location is in my state but i think they are updating it early meaning its not even here yet it's on it's way


Well-Known Member
woke up late surprised i didn't wake up after i started work. tired as hell thouigh and it's kinda storming outside but knowing my luck it will have stopped by the time i reach work.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I cleaned the bathrooms here at work this morning. The cleaning guy didn't get them yesterday for some reason. I came in an hour early, ate a 1/4 slice of canna cinnamon crumble cake and smoked a couple three one hitters of Ass Cheese f2, did the bathrooms then worked in the flowerbeds for a while. It's been really quite, with only a couple of folks coming by to drop off food for tonight's event. I've got F1 Practice 2 going in the background, and I've done a little desk napping. I need to either wake up or got some real napping in.


Well-Known Member
I cleaned the bathrooms here at work this morning. The cleaning guy didn't get them yesterday for some reason. I came in an hour early, ate a 1/4 slice of canna cinnamon crumble cake and smoked a couple three one hitters of Ass Cheese f2, did the bathrooms then worked in the flowerbeds for a while. It's been really quite, with only a couple of folks coming by to drop off food for tonight's event. I've got F1 Practice 2 going in the background, and I've done a little desk napping. I need to either wake up or got some real napping in.

It's been really quite what? ;)


Well-Known Member
Pulled some more weeds, weedeated down some of the three cornered leeks that are taking over one of the flower gardens. I should start pulling them and cooking with them. Skewers are soaking to cook some shrimps with various spices and sauces on them. They're making another left turn on NASCAR, at least the leader isn't named Bush. NHRA recording in a bit. Tincture is working and I have some sweet trimmings from my new plants that smokes like velvet. If the buds smoke like this I'll achieve nirvana.


Ursus marijanus
Pulled some more weeds, weedeated down some of the three cornered leeks that are taking over one of the flower gardens. I should start pulling them and cooking with them. Skewers are soaking to cook some shrimps with various spices and sauces on them. They're making another left turn on NASCAR, at least the leader isn't named Bush. NHRA recording in a bit. Tincture is working and I have some sweet trimmings from my new plants that smokes like velvet. If the buds smoke like this I'll achieve nirvana.
That sounds lovely, all cozy like a Norman Cockwell painting.