What did you accomplish today?

Mornin', our pup Roxy decided yesterday afternoon that it is great fun to try to rip off all the bark on my little redwood tree in the side yard. My son found it prior to her girdling the tree so I think it will be OK. I have a boatload of 3' fencing leftover from making my tomato cages so I now have a fence around the tree. I'll seal it up once the pruning seal warms up enough to be usable. The joys of a pup...
It's Sockfest's 2019 Mainliner World Tour. Coming to a pub near you. No, there's nothing you can do about it. Enjoy!
Stuck inside because of the rain and cold again, the dog won't even venture past his pee spot today. :cry: I'm bored to death of all the museums, galleries, libraries and indoor stuff around me and started dropping hints that we should consider moving south. I could see myself living somewhere in Delaware.
My parents and we kids vacationed almost every summer on the south Delaware coast. I have great memories of the place. It's a beautiful state.
Stuck inside because of the rain and cold again, the dog won't even venture past his pee spot today. :cry: I'm bored to death of all the museums, galleries, libraries and indoor stuff around me and started dropping hints that we should consider moving south. I could see myself living somewhere in Delaware.
Are there any Bridget Riley art paintings in any galleries or museums in your area that you know of?
My parents and we kids vacationed almost every summer on the south Delaware coast. I have great memories of the place. It's a beautiful state.

I've only been to the state once in late September. We went for Oktdoverfest and ended up going on a ghost tour with a bunch of rowdy local drunks. Had such a great time and met so many cool people.