What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I woke up around 1:30pm and sold 2 ounces to this suburban guy for $900. I almost felt bad about it, but somehow managed to sidestep that landmine. Weather was amazing, so I went on a long bike ride to the zoo, took off my shirt and lied down to get some sun. Next thing I knew, someone shot me with a tranq dart and threw me in the ape cage. I was like, WTF? The gorillas were a bit menacing at first. Luckily, I had some weed on me and smoked them all up. They were pretty chill after that. I climbed out, got on my bike, picked up a burrito and went home to shower. I smelled like an ape, but not sure they had anything to do with that. Practiced music for few hours, now it's time to trim up the last of this harvest. Pretty good day...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
tell us all about the false flag aid workers infecting africans with ebola.

then tell us about how the earth is flat.
I wont say where but after the military I was an industrial maint tech. 440 triple phase. Plc, ladder logic. I have done some scary stuff. Osha kind of goes out the window if shutting down the line for too long will ruin thousands in product.
I almost forgot, have you seen the guys who ride the birds and wear this crazy ass suits, amazing kids