What did you accomplish today?

Ok I'm about to share with you guys something I had thought was long gone. We are purging out things crap from closets and drawers and cabinets around the house. Just getting rid of a bunch of outdated stuff and things we no longer need. And I can across this...
for many years and up until about 20 years ago Mexico was our favorite vacation spot. We started flying down to resorts and having a ball and then I bought a 4x4 truck and camper and we started camping in Mexico. On one of our semi-annual trips below the border I forgot the camera. My wife always takes a sketch pad and water colors to doodle away the time on the beach. So without a camera her water color paintings did an outstanding job of capturing our vacation in Baja Mexico. I really took me back when I found this today. I hope you enjoy the trip....





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Thanks for sharing.

Why was the truck parked just so?


High Winds (local tequila):lol:
Thanks for sharing. Linda has skills! nice work.
Thanks for sharing.

Why was the truck parked just so?

My wife was too scared to ride in the truck so she got out with the dogs and walked up that hill. That was the day I almost lost the camper out of the back of the truck. We hadn't see any people in 3 days....I could get us into some hella spots beach exploring Baja..She invented some spanglish cuss words that day 1/2 English and Spanish...:?

Korean food is really good, but just like every other Asian country, they have some crazy beliefs .
The dog is eaten, as a “sex” aid, big man, hard dick, last long time.... and is mostly used by the older generation ... But
It is really sickening to know the painful & cruel death they receive, so they are full of adrenaline so the voodoo will work .

This is why it should be banded !