Well-Known Member
Residential gets away with allot. The fucking shit’s been around along time and it works goodThat's what my guess would have been. My house doesn't have a single one, but it does have cracks in the stucco also. Cool, never saw it before.
The thing is, i’m a union lather by trade. 19 vested years got in in ‘92.

Residential gets away with so much shit that commercial doesn’t. I treated the shop like i would any other building. This pic of the front

I could have just ran those four veritcle expansion joints off the heads of the 10’x10’ garage doors, and one more above the man door. But i’m weird as fuck and put a bunch of verticles. The house will be different like i said, these are 12’ high walls.
This is a shot of the eaves. That fire safe soffit vent is $100 a stick. But just also showing how weird i am with me adding expansion joint to the lid. It’s 50’ long so best to break it up

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