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Bobby schmeckle

Well-Known Member
I have a bag of frozen planter rainbows though. Edit: If you freeze them in water they won't get freezer burned.
I could give a fuck about stockers. Kill em' all. lol.

I release stockers too though because A: I don't really like freshwater fish and my Dad keeps me stocked with ocean fish and B: I really don't like killing animals. I know, I know Bob's soft. I always feel bad about it afterward. I don't eat much meat. I'm more of a quesadilla/cheese pizza/french fries/penis type of eater.

Now, I haven't killed any humans, but a dead person bothers me WAY less than a dead animal.

I feel like I'd be a pretty good cannibal.
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Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I could give a fuck about stockers. Kill em' all. lol.

I release stockers too though because A: I don't really like freshwater fish and my Dad keeps me stocked with ocean fish and B: I really don't like killing animals. I know, I know Bob's soft. I always feel bad about it afterward. I don't eat much meat. I'm more of a quesadilla/cheese pizza/french fries/penis type of eater.

Now, I haven't killed any humans, but a dead person bothers me WAY less than a dead animal.

I feel like I'd be a pretty good cannibal.
Wait, sushi boobs, you're gonna kill Malt's will to live with veggie talk like that.

OMNIVORE'S RULE ::fist bump::

and all......