What did you accomplish today?

My brother in law has stage 4 colon cancer :(.

An angel sent me some coconut oil and some concentrate.
Unfortunately he had a difficult time eating the coconut oil so, he's freezing it in small capsules and going to use it as suppositories. He seemed a little too excited about sticking things in his butt.
I told him to watch the Will Ferrell/Kevin Hart movie Get Hard... teaches kiestering.

Fuck cancer

My brother in law has stage 4 colon cancer :(.

An angel sent me some coconut oil and some concentrate.
Unfortunately he had a difficult time eating the coconut oil so, he's freezing it in small capsules and going to use it as suppositories. He seemed a little too excited about sticking things in his butt.
I told him to watch the Will Ferrell/Kevin Hart movie Get Hard... teaches kiestering.

Fuck cancer

Probably the easiest way is to melt it and pour into small cylindrical molds.
Something like this and underfill to say .5-1 ml

Then you have a suppository. I'm not sure capsules will dissolve in a low acid environment? @cannabineer

Bless you and your family Shrx and stay strong.
When I was going through radiation treatment, suppositories were the only thing that saved me.
Bad vasectomy = testicular cancer = make her get her tubes tied!
1 to 2 eggs a month is easier to handle than billions of sperm constantly dumping into where??? and the open tube clogging and giving you blue balls.

Fuck Cancer
Fuck cancer! You could always screw with him and say you made them in these.....
My brother in law has stage 4 colon cancer :(.

An angel sent me some coconut oil and some concentrate.
Unfortunately he had a difficult time eating the coconut oil so, he's freezing it in small capsules and going to use it as suppositories. He seemed a little too excited about sticking things in his butt.
I told him to watch the Will Ferrell/Kevin Hart movie Get Hard... teaches kiestering.

Fuck cancer

Probably the easiest way is to melt it and pour into small cylindrical molds.
Something like this and underfill to say .5-1 ml

Then you have a suppository. I'm not sure capsules will dissolve in a low acid environment? @cannabineer

Bless you and your family Shrx and stay strong.

Thanks "Angel " ;)

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Did this painting awhile ago but I’ve had a lot of interest in prints. I’m ready to make the order but my usual printer is in China. Feel like I should ha e done this a few months ago :D
Yeah........I’d wear that....... if and when I actually wear a shirt. Ohh I would also like a limited signed print of the 44 penis’s club . And maybe a rock . Fuck it I think I want the whole collection.
When I was going through radiation treatment, suppositories were the only thing that saved me.
Bad vasectomy = testicular cancer = make her get her tubes tied!
1 to 2 eggs a month is easier to handle than billions of sperm constantly dumping into where??? and the open tube clogging and giving you blue balls.

Fuck Cancer
WTF? :shock:
I had a vasectomy 20+ years ago and never had a problem.
Is there something I should know???
Probably the easiest way is to melt it and pour into small cylindrical molds.
Something like this and underfill to say .5-1 ml

Then you have a suppository. I'm not sure capsules will dissolve in a low acid environment? @cannabineer

Bless you and your family Shrx and stay strong.
Gelatin capsules should dissolve in high or low acid environments afaik.
On his good days. ;)

Oh and ps. Those fire and desire and side chick from @genuity are heading into flower in the next few days. They’ve been in veg since the day I got them. HUGE.
I got all of the side chicks to sprout but zero fire & desire.
Not sure what went wrong.
I have a process and do the same thing every time.
Soak em in water until they crack (usually a day or two) then transfer to peats.

The fire & desire never cracked -- and I waited a week.