What did you accomplish today?

I'm the idiot grabbing a one hitter,"dug out", and heading for sheltered outdoor chair. I'm not right. Love crazy colored skies with clouds racing in crazy directions.
I'm a certified storm spotter with the NWS, I enjoy watching them as long as I can see what's going on. I was scared in Kansas when we were out driving and there was minimal visibility and I could feel the temp bouncing from 85-65 and back. I knew the shit was going to hit the fan somewhere...Edit. turns out there was a tornado on the other side of the squall line.
I'm a certified storm spotter with the NWS, I enjoy watching them as long as I can see what's going on. I was scared in Kansas when we were out driving and there was minimal visibility and I could feel the temp bouncing from 85-65 and back. I knew the shit was going to hit the fan somewhere...
We had an F1 bounce down the street a few years back. That was scary. Had to take shelter. The water pushing past the door in a solid sheet on three sides blew my mind.
If you ever come acrossed "High Mountain" jerky seasoning mix? I highly suggest it. Still the best over the counter mix I've tried. Original. Others are overpowered with black or cayenne pepper.
On half the meat I used a maple bourbon rub with some soy sauce to help coat it. On the other half I used what I had left of candied jalapeños (basically jalapeño simple syrup) rum, basil, cayenne and celery seed oh and some soy sauce also. Did a trial run with a few strips in the air fryer last night. :)

I'll keep my eye out for the "High Mountain"
I've lived in places that are tornado magnets with the green clouds & also seen the daily "Everglades Express" boil outta the park black as night spitting lightning.
I love a good thunderstorm!
Singing In The Rain animated emoticon
