What did you accomplish today?

Talk to me Goose - the Viejo is fabulous but the Brugal 1888 is some of the smoothest Caribbean Rum on the planet! Highly recommended for sipping.

A young man is captured by pirates and is persuaded to join the crew rather than walk the plank. After a few weeks at sea the captain speaks to the man and asks him how he is getting on. The man replies that on the whole he is enjoying things - the rum-soaked drinking binges, the plundering, etc - but there was one thing missing.

"What's that?" asks the captain.

"Well, there are no women" replies the man.

"Arrr" says the captain "Follow me!" The man follows the captain to what appears to be a barrel, on top of the barrel stands a coconut with a face drawn on and a few strands of wispy straw for hair. On the barrel is a crude outline of a woman's body and between the legs is a bung hole. "We calls her Carmen," says the captain, "and you may take her as you will". The man explains that he was unlikely to make use of her and goes on his way.

However, as the months go by with no respite, Carmen appears more and more attractive to the young man. Finally he can resist her no longer and the man has his wicked way with Carmen the rum barrel. To his amazement the experience is far more satisfying than he could ever have imagined!

The next day the captain greets him again. "How did you get on with Carmen then, lad?" he asks eagerly. The man replies "Rather better than I thought... actually, it was rather good!"

"Good," says the captain, a great beaming smile splitting his black-bearded face. "It's your turn in the barrel tomorrow!"
Don't waste your time on gloves. They give a false sense of security. Just consider your hands dirty outside and wash/disinfect them inside and keep your filthy hands off your face!

Good thing the advice is not "Don't touch your penis."
In Disbelief animated emoticon

We would all be in peril.
Belly Laugh animated emoticon

Jehovah's to Deaf People: Stop Masturbating
In a PSA published on YouTube, entitled 'Jehovah's Witnesses want deaf people to stop mastubating [sic],' well-dressed gentlemen use American Sign Language to spread the gospel about masturbation.

stopmasturbationnow (@stopfapping) | Twitter
Built a couple new small 6' x 5' raised vegy gardens this week, and mostly filled them with used super soil. Did the whole project with scraps for $0. Need to pick up a few bales of peat moss to finish them off though, so I'll have $20 in it. Vegy seeds were a different story. It was almost like buying weed seeds, lol. I spent $40 for basically a few vegy seeds!

3" of snow this morning though, so no (outdoor) gardening today...I'll be cutting clones as soon as my lights come on though. Snow melted off mostly already, thankfully.

Scrubbed kitchen floor grout today, with vinegar and baking soda....wow, looks great, but it was a workout. Only half done....I saved some for tomorrow, lol. Then to re-seal the grout. I scrubbed all the cabinets inside & out last week, and did the appliances... Next up, windows!! Gotta love clean windows!! :mrgreen: A really clean house always makes me feel so much better mentally :hump::hump:
I use 2 grams of 73% calcium hypochlorite (pool shock) per gallon to make the solution. I then add about 20ml of that to my 3 gallon cloner rez every 2-3 days...


I use Dip-n-Grow rooting hormone, absolute best I've found. I like to run the cloner 24/7 for the first week, then cycle timer for about 9 min off, one minute on. But no problem to just run the cloner without a timer. As long as the water is below 85f, and above 55f, all is good...

About to try this, and hoping it solves my cloning issues! I would have never in a million years tried pool shock!! I've never used the Dip-n-Grow rooting hormone either....I have the faith though!!

I wonder if you can use the solution for general cleaning in place of regular bleach, as it's a hell-of-a-lot cheaper and lasts longer?!
Built a couple new small 6' x 5' raised vegy gardens this week, and mostly filled them with used super soil. Did the whole project with scraps for $0. Need to pick up a few bales of peat moss to finish them off though, so I'll have $20 in it. Vegy seeds were a different story. It was almost like buying weed seeds, lol. I spent $40 for basically a few vegy seeds!

3" of snow this morning though, so no (outdoor) gardening today...I'll be cutting clones as soon as my lights come on though. Snow melted off mostly already, thankfully.

Scrubbed kitchen floor grout today, with vinegar and baking soda....wow, looks great, but it was a workout. Only half done....I saved some for tomorrow, lol. Then to re-seal the grout. I scrubbed all the cabinets inside & out last week, and did the appliances... Next up, windows!! Gotta love clean windows!! :mrgreen: A really clean house always makes me feel so much better mentally :hump::hump:
I would feel much better mentally if you would clean my kitchen for me also.
Didn't do much. Cleared out a place for the son to pull the pineapple out of the grow room and set it on the patio. Lowered one of my lights and disconnected it, now to find a place to store it for awhile. Checked on the drying buds, not dry enough yet. I'm down to one wide mouth jar, I have a bunch of narrow mouth ones, guess they'll have to do. Made my beer run. Son is cooking taco meat after awhile. Buds and suds time.
About to try this, and hoping it solves my cloning issues! I would have never in a million years tried pool shock!! I've never used the Dip-n-Grow rooting hormone either....I have the faith though!!

I wonder if you can use the solution for general cleaning in place of regular bleach, as it's a hell-of-a-lot cheaper and lasts longer?!

Good for you, let us know your results. I think you will be pleased. You can use the pool shock in place of regular bleach (sodium hypochlorite), but it must be a MUCH higher concentration than the cloning solution. I really don't prefer pool shock for household cleaning purposes - it's texture is gritty and it is not nearly as stable as sodium hypochlorite. I'd stick with the Clorox for the house...
Good thing the advice is not "Don't touch your penis."
In Disbelief animated emoticon

We would all be in peril.
Belly Laugh animated emoticon

Jehovah's to Deaf People: Stop Masturbating
In a PSA published on YouTube, entitled 'Jehovah's Witnesses want deaf people to stop mastubating [sic],' well-dressed gentlemen use American Sign Language to spread the gospel about masturbation.

stopmasturbationnow (@stopfapping) | Twitter
You can never go wrong washing your penis too.