What did you accomplish today?

I hear that.
I'm waiting for the dew to dry.

I did in fact cut the grass for the 1st time this season today. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I went slow. I still don't recommend it though. I would guess 15% of the job is flat. The other 85 is a terrible graded mess. In sections. The north and south are inaccessible to each other via the west side thanks to a hill and a big old collapsed root cellar. You have to go all the way around. The 2 companies I had come look at it said "no thanks." Didn't even overprice themselves out. Just said no, lol.
I did in fact cut the grass for the 1st time this season today. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I went slow. I still don't recommend it though. I would guess 15% of the job is flat. The other 85 is a terrible graded mess. In sections. The north and south are inaccessible to each other via the west side thanks to a hill and a big old collapsed root cellar. You have to go all the way around. The 2 companies I had come look at it said "no thanks." Didn't even overprice themselves out. Just said no, lol.
Pussies, what legitimate yard work company refuses work?
I am NOT going to waste my entire families stimulus check plus our entire tax refund on a new bass boat. Nope, not gone do it. Would not be prudent at this juncture. Unless....
I've had big boats and little boats.
Both had advantages & disadvantages, but I loved my little flat bottom boat the most because I could literally pick it up and stuff it in the bed of my truck -- which meant I could go & launch just about anywhere.
Fuck waiting at the boat launch! 8-)
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Nice. That is perhaps the single best reply to my insistent asking of pics. Since it's Sunday, I simply asked for pics and not nudes. I got to rest also. Well done sir.

Wife would never let me take nudes of her, and I would never want to. She would feel Im exploiting her
I met her as a Pen Pal. Shes from the Philippines, and would think very badly of me if I wanted nudes of her. She pretty religious, and Im atheist.

Im 61, and shes 46. Been married almost 20 years. She doesnt drink, or smoke. I smoke weed, but nothing else. We both run Marathons, and Ultra Marathons. I ran 20 miles yesterday.
I am NOT going to waste my entire stimulus check on a powered kayak with a Minn Kota electric trolling motor.....
If you go middle of the road you could get both the kayak and motor AND have a bit left over to fill the beer cooler too.
Beer animated emoticon

If you're a cheap bastard you may get all that and a few gallons of gas for the motor.
Rafting animated emoticon

If you have a pulse you may opt to go whole hog and include any Tax return and get the bells and whistle model.
Boating animated emoticon
Wife would never let me take nudes of her, and I would never want to. She would feel Im exploiting her
I met her as a Pen Pal. Shes from the Philippines, and would think very badly of me if I wanted nudes of her. She pretty religious, and Im atheist.

Im 61, and shes 46. Been married almost 20 years. She doesnt drink, or smoke. I smoke weed, but nothing else. We both run Marathons, and Ultra Marathons. I ran 20 miles yesterday.

I pegged her for Philippines. She speak Tagalog? Do you? My wife is Chinese so I'm pretty good at telling my Asians and Pacific Islanders apart. At least the women.
Did you tell her about the monsters that live in that hole, the ones that love to eat little people?

She actually told me snakes and sharks live in that hole.

That is the collapsed root cellar I mentioned in a previous post. I salvaged what red sandstone I could from it then started using it as a compost pile. Then it just became a bottomless pit for tree branches.
Did you tell her about the monsters that live in that hole, the ones that love to eat little people?
My dad would tell a tale of "Gully Cats" living in a hole just under a monument that was built over a natural spring.

I knew there was no such creature there so let him spin his tale as long as he wanted.

On the other hand, my cousins got freaked out every time we passed that shrine.
Those pussies were scared up to 14 or 15 yrs old.
Meth head with a .45 vs. a Kangal... hmm
Meth head with a .45 vs. an imaginary Kangal... hmm
Dogs are good alarm systems, that's about it. They're very easy to subdue.
Here's the invisible Kangal.


I had some free labor come and help tame the Wisteria after getting done with the grass.

View attachment 4539079

That Wisteria can be a pain - runners everywhere.
Mom had one on a trellis that came crashing down in a bad storm so I built a new one w/ pressure treated.

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