What did you accomplish today?

That is some nice looking soil my friend.

Now to just keep the wildlife outta your patch.
Thanks. I had nothing to do with it. 6-8" top soil/dark clay (here...), then red clay forever. I wish I had started composting here decades back, but the laws just recently changed for me. I still can't believe that my fellow voters stood up and told the government how to do the job they're supposed to be doing. Like representing the will of the people. Now if they would quit voting these losers in and vote someone in who will help push
Forward instead of our traditional move of running backwards. Rant Rant...I'm going to put some trees down on the low sides and start building amended soil up.
Wildlife is a problem for sure. Damn kids...
Thanks. I had nothing to do with it. 6-8" top soil/dark clay (here...), then red clay forever. I wish I had started composting here decades back, but the laws just recently changed for me. I still can't believe that my fellow voters stood up and told the government how to do the job they're supposed to be doing. Like representing the will of the people. Now if they would quit voting these losers in and vote someone in who will help push
Forward instead of our traditional move of running backwards. Rant Rant...I'm going to put some trees down on the low sides and start building amended soil up.
Wildlife is a problem for sure. Damn kids...

G/L in your gardening.
Thanks. I had nothing to do with it. 6-8" top soil/dark clay (here...), then red clay forever. I wish I had started composting here decades back, but the laws just recently changed for me. I still can't believe that my fellow voters stood up and told the government how to do the job they're supposed to be doing. Like representing the will of the people. Now if they would quit voting these losers in and vote someone in who will help push
Forward instead of our traditional move of running backwards. Rant Rant...I'm going to put some trees down on the low sides and start building amended soil up.
Wildlife is a problem for sure. Damn kids...
Kids don't have enough "wildlife" left to not be a problem.
and Mojave Greens. You haven't lived until you go out for a stroll and have to run from those bastards. BTW did I mention I have a cute grandaughter in need of a husband? Your grandson looks very cute.
Cute yes, but he is a rascal. Come to think of it .......he’s more like me every day. His mom told us yesterday that he has started saying “ shit “ and my asked “ where did he hear that “ so my daughter instantly threw me under the bus.
Thanks. I had nothing to do with it. 6-8" top soil/dark clay (here...), then red clay forever. I wish I had started composting here decades back, but the laws just recently changed for me. I still can't believe that my fellow voters stood up and told the government how to do the job they're supposed to be doing. Like representing the will of the people. Now if they would quit voting these losers in and vote someone in who will help push
Forward instead of our traditional move of running backwards. Rant Rant...I'm going to put some trees down on the low sides and start building amended soil up.
Wildlife is a problem for sure. Damn kids...

This is great stuff...I always use it in veg, the first months or so, and by the time the plants get big and smelly, deer & rabbits don't like it anyways. It doesn't deter all critters however...a woodchuck will still munch it or just pull it out to piss you off, lol...

This is great stuff...I always use it in veg, the first months or so, and by the time the plants get big and smelly, deer & rabbits don't like it anyways. It doesn't deter all critters however...a woodchuck will still munch it or just pull it out to piss you off, lol...

I boil 3 eggs for four minutes, add to a 1 gal. junk garden sprayer, add 1Tbsp neem oil, 1Tbsp clove oil, 1Tbsp cinnamon oil and 2 Tbsp dishsoap. Set in sun for a week. Spray plants. Deer won't eat it. Ornamental asian fragrant lillies to prove it.
It kinda looks that way.

One night after eating 5 grams of mushrooms, the drawing of Joe Exotic I did began talking telepathically to me. He told me it was time.

So, I did the only logical thing one can do when a gay, meth-loving, tiger wrangling redneck speaks to you on psychedelics...

Everything you sent me is looking fabulous!
Today a whitesnake got repotted from 2 gallon bag straight to 7 gallon cloth pot -- she's a beast! :shock:
And every single one of the Alien Fuck Berry seeds sprouted.