What did you accomplish today?

the bigs typically get away.
I caught a big ol female that had dug out a nest behind the retaining wall next to my patio. I'm sure there would have been buttloads everywhere if I hadn't killed her.
I had some stuff piled against the outside wall of my garage once and they climbed up that, ate a hole in the screen, and started stockpiling almonds in boxes in the attic and behind dry wall I hadn't screwed down. There are bones in that wall now. I hate the feeling when you feel little beady eyes looking at you at night.
I caught a big ol female that had dug out a nest behind the retaining wall next to my patio. I'm sure there would have been buttloads everywhere if I hadn't killed her.
I had some stuff piled against the outside wall of my garage once and they climbed up that, ate a hole in the screen, and started stockpiling almonds in boxes in the attic and behind dry wall I hadn't screwed down. There are bones in that wall now. I hate the feeling when you feel little beady eyes looking at you at night.
I gotta say… and this is the god honest truth… ive never seen a living, nor dead, Rat!

i don’t lead a sheltered life or owt… and I’m a dog man, my old Dalmatian caught 7 rabbits, 2 pheasants and fuck knows how many dears over the years! And this…
is ma back street(that’s right, a chippy on the end)…

but honestly never seen one in all my 34 years…
Yeah that's a rat. Goin back 20 years.........my buddy moved into this old place......we always heard shit in the walls.....way bigger than mice. When he was repainting he put up new trim. There was this one piece off the wall along the floor and it was hiding a hole. He had a pretty badass cat....that wanted whatever was making the noise bad. The cat put its whole arm up the wall in the hole..........then the cats eyes opened wide and ripped it's arm back out and looked at me like WTF! Later that night this fuckin huge rat came running out from behind the toilet (no sheet rock yet) while I was taking a leak! LMAO I almost fire hosed his bathroom! :lol:
Going number one would have turned to going number 2 right then and there.

My all time favorite snap

View attachment 4562202

snaprat could be an app that tells you when a trap is set off and the location.
I gotta say… and this is the god honest truth… ive never seen a living, nor dead, Rat!

i don’t lead a sheltered life or owt… and I’m a dog man, my old Dalmatian caught 7 rabbits, 2 pheasants and fuck knows how many dears over the years! And this…
View attachment 4562262
is ma back street(that’s right, a chippy on the end)…

but honestly never seen one in all my 34 years…
Owt. Yorkshire?