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I am now much more afraid of these things going rogue:

First you usually have to use your back (A LOT).

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If you're lucky, the dirty deed happens close to the iron horses.
These two bikes have an entire boned out Moose aboard - meat will be in the coolers in about an hour.

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You should plant garlic at your camp sites; after parting out garlic slices could be massaged into the meat during the ride back ;)
Several times I've been solo Moose hunting in the Alaska Range & the wolves would take up singing.

I'm sure they were no closer than about 1/8 mile but it sounded like they were just on the other side of the camp fire.
Sleeping was not an option during the show.
I once watched a video of a guy solo moose hunting in Canada. After he shot a moose he managed to get all 4qtrs onto a sled that he started pulling behind his atv. after a short distance he notice he was being trailed by a pack of wolves and they were relentless. He could not outrun them and they were gaining on him...he finally hacked off a rib cage and left it for them and they stopped to eat it. They looked hungry.