What did you accomplish today?

Seen it too many times. -73 ambient was the coldest we saw and it wasn't fun.
Driving a rig in that was like cruising in the Freakin flintstone mobile with flat tires.
I vaguely remember seeing on the news circa 1990 that they had such a cold snap.
Something about driving being dangerous because the car exhaust water plated right onto the road, making a thin but perfect layer of black ice.

That and “To Build a Fire” in our 7?th-grade English text ...
Weeded the plot
Only 2 or 3 corn came up on the right side, but the carrots have popped up, only 3 or 4 onions made it, a few more asparagus sprouted too. Not holding out hope for any yield from the in ground corn EXCEPT for maybe the stuff that was started inside. Container transplants are doing better, LG i need your legs for a sec.
Berries are comming in had maybe 5 ripe eversweets
Of 4 Eclair's only one is really blooming though
5 rows about 20’ . I have 3 more planted 3 weeks later so about two or three weeks before they are ready.
That's a lot of peas! I planted 1 small row this year...never had grown peas before...but my whole crop will probably be one colander full. I have a ton of summer squash but they are slow to grow...I'll probably have dozens ready all at once.

Happy 4th of July!! It's quiet as can be today. Flew the old drone a while this a.m., and about to take a motorcycle ride after lunch since it's HOT out there. Leftover burritos, yummm!!

I finally got around to opening the new drone I bought over a year ago...3 dead lipo batteries, and they only had a 6 mo. warranty. These are $95 a pop too! I have heard they can be brought back sometimes, and I emailed my uncle who's a retired electrical engineer hoping he'd offer, but he didn't bite....well he sent a YouTube video. I read they aren't safe once they get depleted like that anyways, so I ordered up 2 new ones. Gotta help that economy along, lol.
That's a lot of peas! I planted 1 small row this year...never had grown peas before...but my whole crop will probably be one colander full. I have a ton of summer squash but they are slow to grow...I'll probably have dozens ready all at once.

Happy 4th of July!! It's quiet as can be today. Flew the old drone a while this a.m., and about to take a motorcycle ride after lunch since it's HOT out there. Leftover burritos, yummm!!

I finally got around to opening the new drone I bought over a year ago...3 dead lipo batteries, and they only had a 6 mo. warranty. These are $95 a pop too! I have heard they can be brought back sometimes, and I emailed my uncle who's a retired electrical engineer hoping he'd offer, but he didn't bite....well he sent a YouTube video. I read they aren't safe once they get depleted like that anyways, so I ordered up 2 new ones. Gotta help that economy along, lol.
After shelling and blanching the peas I put up 16 cups. My squash produce a meal for two every 2-3 days so we eat all we can stand and put up 2-5 quart bags every week.

Happy 4th !

The wife, the youngest grandson and I rode about ten miles on the four wheelers this morning. Naps mid day and fireworks tonight.
Mint takes over anyway....how much ground are you trying to cover?
Yes it does. I don't want to wait for mother nature to fill in.

I'm using it as a border for landscaping walkways and retaining walls. Any place I don't wish to mow. Similar to this.
Wow Your Neighbors With Front Garden Herbs

Around 300 sq ft.