What did you accomplish today?

Probably been 30 years since I went carp fishing.
Saw the most amazing fishing story next to the carp dam, my dad caught a carp that managed to break the line, a very bright yellow line, anyway. just after his friend got a hit and brought the fish in, ...it was the fish my dad lost, the little loop in the swivel caught the fishing hook of the guy sitting next to him. Don't think I ever saw a fish with worse luck, other than that we did catch and release.
And this is why I taught my step daughter how to change a tire, along with changing her own oil in her car.....this way she knows how too...

My dad showed me how to change tires and do some basic maintenance. The only problem I had in the past was the tool isn't long enough to get any leverage and loosen the bolt. They do them up so tight with air tools at the shop. Now I'd just call roadside assistance.
I’m like that too but people just call me asshole .
I've been called an asshole my whole life. One day great, I'm caring and compassionate. Best guy on the planet. Then the wind changes or a cricket jumps to a new plant in Africa or I drop a teaspoon and I'm evil incarnate personified.

No rhyme or reason for the switches. They call it Borderline Personality Disorder mixed with CPTSD and a healthy smattering of persistent depressive disorder. The paperwork shows that I suffer from addiction (remission) as well.
I’m like that too but people just call me asshole .
yeah, me too :)

When my ID is questioned I respectfuly remind them "That's MR. DICK to you!"
Mr. Dick (@mr_dick_art) | Twitter

My dad showed me how to change tires and do some basic maintenance. The only problem I had in the past was the tool isn't long enough to get any leverage and loosen the bolt. They do them up so tight with air tools at the shop. Now I'd just call roadside assistance.

That's cool, it's all about the tools.....some stock tool kits honestly sux....I had to make my step daughter make a kit this way she has everything she needs just in case.
Just dealt (dealing) with kids that just drove us nuts today.

Yesterday I started installing a snow plow on the atv. Had the plow from an old '00 griz 600........when I sold it to my buddy he never took the plow. So it's going on!.......well it's on and works! Pushed some driveway around no problem.....But i'm gonna fix it up a little.
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This is the mirror carp. He is the result of a common carp breeding with all recessive gene alleles (did I do that right? Alleles? Zygotes? Mendel and his peas or something?)

they are not fully scaled and were bred like these long ago so people could eat the mirrors easier without all the tough scales. Yuck.
homozygous guyzotes
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This is the mirror carp. He is the result of a common carp breeding with all recessive gene alleles (did I do that right? Alleles? Zygotes? Mendel and his peas or something?)

they are not fully scaled and were bred like these long ago so people could eat the mirrors easier without all the tough scales. Yuck.
Damn, his sequins are falling off!