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The Gulf of California may be referred to by several alternate names, including; the Sea of Cortez or Sea of Cortés, for Spanish Conquistador Hernán Cortés, and the Vermilion Sea. The gulf is known throughout Latin America in the Spanish language as Mar de Cortés, Mar Bermejo and Golfo de California.
I don’t think the Sea of Cortez comes close to the evaporative load of the Gulf. Gulf moisture is swept west at low latitudes, then gets picked up and poured into the space east of the Sierra by our prevailing westerlies.

Or so I read when I was ten.

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The Gulf of California may be referred to by several alternate names, including; the Sea of Cortez or Sea of Cortés, for Spanish Conquistador Hernán Cortés, and the Vermilion Sea. The gulf is known throughout Latin America in the Spanish language as Mar de Cortés, Mar Bermejo and Golfo de California.
Actually the hurricanes are spawned near the inter-tropical convergence zone offshore of Mexico and wander to the NW until the upper level steering currents push them towards California.
Come to the gulf...
I rode through Gulf country in ‘03.
