What did you accomplish today?

I was picking up some deck boards at lowes yesterday and this was in the entrance!
View attachment 4675550
Two things:
  1. When did Lowes start selling toilet paper?
  2. WTF is butt crumble??? :shock:
I haven’t been to Lowe’s lately, but I went to Home Depot and I was surprised at the cost of lumber. A 2x4 stud, costing $6 ? Last year, early this year, I bought a bunch for $2. This is going to up the price of construction a lot. I know of guys who bid jobs by multiple of matieral cost.

I don’t want to know what but crumble is.....
I haven’t been to Lowe’s lately, but I went to Home Depot and I was surprised at the cost of lumber. A 2x4 stud, costing $6 ? Last year, early this year, I bought a bunch for $2. This is going to up the price of construction a lot. I know of guys who bid jobs by multiple of matieral cost.

I don’t want to know what but crumble is.....
I was looking for cedar deck boards and ended up with six that are horrible, but at least they don't have cracks. (or butt crumble)
It's the last of the leftovers.
Home Depot was completely out of stock.

Not sure if everyone is doing decks right now or it's because most of our lumber comes from Canada and the border is mostly closed.
I was picking up some deck boards at lowes yesterday and this was in the entrance!
View attachment 4675550
Two things:
  1. When did Lowes start selling toilet paper?
  2. WTF is butt crumble??? :shock:

I ass,ume butt crumbles equate to ass joints.

Ass Joint

Bath tissue remnants deposited on and around Toilet rim. In extreme cases ass joints have been known to migrate to surrounding floor. Ass joints are created when inferior bath tissues are used on "rough" (many cases hairy) Anuses. The end result is a rolled tissue joint thats 420 for your 6:30.

I had no choice but to use the filthy public bathroom stall that was littered with Ass joints.

I ass,ume butt crumbles equate to ass joints.

Ass Joint

Bath tissue remnants deposited on and around Toilet rim. In extreme cases ass joints have been known to migrate to surrounding floor. Ass joints are created when inferior bath tissues are used on "rough" (many cases hairy) Anuses. The end result is a rolled tissue joint thats 420 for your 6:30.

I had no choice but to use the filthy public bathroom stall that was littered with Ass joints.

I Bill Guerin-tee that she’s got butt crumbles
View attachment 4675724
this boy wants to be just like his PaView attachment 4675730
I asked him how big of a lie he was going to tell.
When my grandkids were little I would take a tape measure and hold out a couple of feet of it with my finger under it then ask them to touch the end with their nose. They looked at me crazy for a minute but went ahead and did it. When they did I would let the tape snap back into the tape holder and they would laugh and want to do it again.
