What did you accomplish today?

Yesterday was one of those days where everything went wrong, starting with getting woke early with bad news, to ending with finding my nutriculture leaking all over the place at bed time :-( and a bunch of shit sandwiches in between! A few highlights were finding out the garage door I ordered 2 months ago, with a 2k deposit, the one that was supposed to be installed no later than October 30th, apparently they forgot to order it...I was like you asstards, I have a torn rotator cuff and I can't even open the fucking door and you forgot??? Then they didn't call and let me know on Monday when I called them...No, they order it then...Because I sure as hell would cancel if I could have. So pissed.

Going to try and ignore all the bullshit I can't control and go enjoy the sun ....A little trimming first, a brake job on a Corrolla, maybe put the plow on my ATV, and maybe a bike ride....a lot of maybes, lol!
3 Ceiling fans came down.

View attachment 4736198

And four went up.

These are really cool, crystal panels w/ LED lighting and the blades retract when they aren't spinning + they have a remote.

View attachment 4736225

The two I put in the guest bedrooms are more generic but work great.

View attachment 4736231

Also ordered two queen sized beds for these rooms as well.

Cool fans GWN. Got 6 rounds split then the valve just jammed up again :-? I might just order a valve and put it on in the spring. Only a few more rounds anyway.

Snow is gone so I was able to get to the last spot in the yard with leaves. It's 68° out nice day.
Moved the oscillating fan out of the house into the grow room. I didn't notice how clogged up it was with dust until I got it out back in the sunshine. Cleaned the fan blades and housing and it moves air much better now. Gotta love living in a farming area with all the dust.
Funny you even heard of them. Back in my late 20's a friend of mine this
really cute blond girl named Lori (I have a pic of her) was a waitress at The Rainbow Bar& Grill on Sunset and
she was friends with the singer from Jackyl so they cruised over to my place here
in NoHo to do a few lines and the singer gave me an autographed LP at that time.
Must have had multiple LP's in his car? Maybe we didn't do lines just partied on some weed lol. Can't remember.
I've never heard of Jackyl till that night.
Just thought I'd throw that out there lol. Although I never got into their music thereafter, the singer was a cool friendly dude.
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That seems a lot more reasonable.
I am putting a 100 amp service in my barn, 140 ft of 2224 al service cable was less than $200. Copper was much, much, more. The panel is about 200 for a 200 amp panel, new breakers $100 or so. One problem is that the amount of work going on is insane. The guy at Home Depot told me that the electrical department is budgeted for $9k per week. They are averaging $45k per week. I needed some fittings, they haven’t had a lot of things in stock since summer. Just sold out, back ordered. Still, it is mostly labor, plus permit and inspection. $20k is very high.
Cool fans GWN. Got 6 rounds split then the valve just jammed up again :-? I might just order a valve and put it on in the spring. Only a few more rounds anyway.

Snow is gone so I was able to get to the last spot in yard with leaves. It's 68° out nice day.

Just order a new valve - fixing the old one will just cost more & you'll be left with a rebuilt (old) Chinese valve.