What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I remember being taught that Carthage was the capital of Phoenicia. I could be quite wrong, but I prefer throwing a teacher 45 years ago under the bus.
And hit reverse a few times lol

From Wiki: Phoenician civilization was organized in city-states, similar to those of ancient Greece, of which the most notable were Tyre, Sidon, and Byblos.[13][14] Each city-state was politically independent, and there is no evidence the Phoenicians viewed themselves as a single nationality.[15] Carthage, a Phoenician settlement in northwest Africa, became a major civilization in its own right in the seventh century BC


Ursus marijanus
And hit reverse a few times lol

From Wiki: Phoenician civilization was organized in city-states, similar to those of ancient Greece, of which the most notable were Tyre, Sidon, and Byblos.[13][14] Each city-state was politically independent, and there is no evidence the Phoenicians viewed themselves as a single nationality.[15] Carthage, a Phoenician settlement in northwest Africa, became a major civilization in its own right in the seventh century BC
Oh Herr Sowieso, be proud of the delayed oopsie that you have so elegantly planted.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Reading this made me cringe. :shock:
Shoulder surgery ain't for the timid.

I've had rotator cuff repair on the right and get steroid injections in the left for "impingement". :o

My golf buddies make fun of my swing because the range of motion is about 2/3 normal.
And I still crush it -- just had to increase the tempo a bit. :cool:
Yeah, I got the bad news I need both shoulders done. I'm sad.
It makes me cringe too. It took about 2 years for the left side to fully heal, but that was a really bad tear done in an accident. But I have pretty good range of motion now. The right one has been torn for years and I have gotten by with PT exercises, to strengthen it.

Maybe I can get lucky and just get some injections, because I have no idea how I'd manage alone in the winter. I would have to hire out my snow plowing and maintenance for the winter. At least no firewood to deal with!!! Well, we will see what's up here soon.
So sorry, that is expensive and unpleasant but can change your life when done right.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think the end of the great weather has arrived. I cannot complain, I've been out every day for the last week getting sun, riding my bike, and checking out the hotties with very naughty bodies. I'm pretty tired, tbh, no regrets going into the cold weather. Met a really nice and beautifully thick Asian jogger today, she sat on the same bench I was sunbathing on and chatted me up. I asked for her number on a whim, and she gave it to me. Hope it's real. First time I've done that all year. Would be worth getting covid again if we get to smash a few times. Goodbye summer, it was real...



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Well, I think the end of the great weather has arrived. I cannot complain, I've been out every day for the last week getting sun, riding my bike, and checking out the hotties with very naughty bodies. I'm pretty tired, tbh, no regrets going into the cold weather. Met a really nice and beautifully thick Asian jogger today, she sat on the same bench I was sunbathing on and chatted me up. I asked for her number on a whim, and she gave it to me. Hope it's real. First time I've done that all year. Would be worth getting covid again if we get to smash a few times. Goodbye summer, it was real...

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^^ why I love you Tyler.