What did you accomplish today?

I don't measure it out, I just wing it. I brown the meat with salt, pepper, garlic and chili powder. I used 3 small cans of tomato sauce with equal amount of water and two cans of kidney beans. About a table spoon of chili powder and garlic powder in the liquid and a couple teaspoons of cumin. Adust the quantities by taste when it cooks a bit. That's about as close as I have for a recipe. Edit, drain and rinse the beans.
OK. How about if I were to offer you sexual favours with my first-born male child?
Nudes of wives/girlfriends are preferred.
I have no bartering-capacity in that department...:(

Edit: Besides, the wives/girlfriends pic's would be from...like....30 years ago & no longer valid for current titillation-purposes.
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I heard that it was gonna snow over the next few days, so I went out to run a bunch of errands today. Went to get my car emissions test to renew my license sticker, and failed :( They said I probably wasn't using my car a lot, and driving it more would make it pass. WTF? So, I took a fast 50 mile drive, brought it back, and it passed. Whatever, got the sticker. Stopped to get Mediterranean take out (so yummy), and do a bunch of grocery shopping. Accomplished all that, and got home right as it started to snow. Perfect timing. We're supposed to get up to 8 inches (insert dick joke here), glad I'm not dealing with any of that shit. Still, first big snow of the season for us. We've been super lucky so far.
I heard that it was gonna snow over the next few days, so I went out to run a bunch of errands today. Went to get my car emissions test to renew my license sticker, and failed :( They said I probably wasn't using my car a lot, and driving it more would make it pass. WTF? So, I took a fast 50 mile drive, brought it back, and it passed. Whatever, got the sticker. Stopped to get Mediterranean take out (so yummy), and do a bunch of grocery shopping. Accomplished all that, and got home right as it started to snow. Perfect timing. We're supposed to get up to 8 inches (insert dick joke here), glad I'm not dealing with any of that shit. Still, first big snow of the season for us. We've been super lucky so far.
Essentially cars need a blow job every now and again (ie burning out retained carbon)
Essentially cars need a blow job every now and again (ie burning out retained carbon)

Ah, I see. I drive so little that my car battery was dead when I wanted to head out. It was pretty cold, too. Luckily, I have a portable lithium battery jump pack that was charged and in the car, so I hooked it up and jumped the starter. I really like this thing, it has saved my ass on several occasions.


You can also charged your phone and other devices several times off of it. Flashlight and a compass built in, too.
Ah, I see. I drive so little that my car battery was dead when I wanted to head out. It was pretty cold, too. Luckily, I have a portable lithium battery jump pack that was charged and in the car, so I hooked it up and jumped the starter. I really like this thing, it has saved my ass on several occasions.


You can also charged your phone and other devices several times off of it. Flashlight and a compass built in, too.
Sweet, but it's not just about starting you then need to burn out any collected crap (collected carbon) in the pathways. That's why internal combustion engines are a thing of the past. They are so inefficient compared to electric. My advice, buy electric young man.