What did you accomplish today?

I’m sorry, I had just finished a joint and I didn’t have my glasses on but I was thinking that one side of the box was written in Spanish and the other side in English.

On a side note my tells me just yesterday that the Goya line is the next target of cancel culture. She didn’t say why.
The chief executive officer of Goya Foods, Robert Unanue, is a Trump supporter.

It is purely political.
Surfed up a manual for the automatic bread machine. I think I have it around here somewhere, but who knows where. We can never get it to raise right on the counter so the machine takes care of that. I found an apple cider bread recipe I want to try. I'll see how it works soon.
Ah it's probably just a different color with different stickers..........which one has more displacement?
The craftsman has more displacement but the husky bagging system works better, especially with grass that is very wet.

I was hoping the root cause was worn pinion gears but swapping front to back made no difference. (Swapped wheels too.)

Rear wheels still have no power.

I’m thinkin’ the tranny is worn out, which is probably the worth case scenario from a parts perspective.
