What did you accomplish today?

Snow is gone, lobster traps are going in.
Didn't see the eagle pair back yet.
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Another work day.
1795 post colonial manor, original furniture and wall coverings.
Audubon owl print, that's a very nice original plate. Probably could trade it for a Porsche.
They ought to send the carriages off to the Amish for restoration.
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Pic #4 the floor boards, 20 years earlier those would have been Kings property.
One step closer to planting tomatoes and zucchini. Used a bungie cord to hold the tiller in "till", kept popping out. Had to replace an R clip, fell out somewhere in the dirt. I found one in my bolts cabinet, didn't know they were in there. I put the "killer tiller" in time out in the corner for awhile, I hope it learns from it's mistakes.View attachment 4862670View attachment 4862671
Let me know if tillers are smarter than dishwashers. My dishwasher was not at all concerned about my willingness to replace a perfectly good coffee pot.
God damnit.
Had to pick up the truck from shop again. We dropped it back off earlier this morning. Then I had to smog it. Reg is due the 31st. Btw. Town is 30 min away lol. Needed knock sensors and i aint got no time to pull the intake and wrench right now.
Promised a pic
I suck!
2 more hrs in the morning i got this though. Pretty burned out and sun is going down fast :-(
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