What did you accomplish today?

330 gallon 1.3 3 toed box turtle group
1.3 turtles?

That is an odd number.

Confused Look GIFs | Tenor
So which one?
I squeezed 7 g's of Katsu Black Lime Bubba...probably my favorite strain these days, and this was from the recent crop.....Wow, it came back so delicious. I'm getting fairly good at the whole process, I think :lol:

I have trim to make bubble hash, and I have some 37 micron bags...I just need time and ambition but I can't wait to try pressing some of that!
Fixed the line to the sprinklers under the mail box, it was clogged where it comes out of the 1/2" pipe. Replaced a couple micro sprayers that were broken and swapped out a plugged one. I need to check the bubblers under the roses also. Always fun starting to run the sprinklers after having them off for the winter.