Well-Known Member
Moved to a new place, and started a new job doing maintenance and landscaping at state/local parks. Part of that job is trapping squirrels. I'll put out like 40-50 of these traps in the morning - and they'll be full within a few hours. The thing is, the company expects me to put anything I catch into a big chamber they rigged up and gas them! They say it's painless, but it's actually more like slowly drowning (one of the most terrifying experiences you can have). Their gripe is that they do lots of property damage digging tunnels and shit, but I'm thinking like "you built this place on top of their fucking home! are you just going to commit genocide anytime a certain animal is an inconvenience?"
So, for the last couple months I've been running a sort of squirrel underground railroad - catching these angry, furry little dudes, then sneaking them a few at a time into a crate in the back seat of my pickup and releasing them at a fire road near the entrance when I leave at the end of the day.
I just fill out the forms saying I exterminated however many I caught that day, and make jokes like "yeah, if you'd just put a rifle in my hand I could get two months of work done in a couple hours haha!" and so far no one has suspected a thing...

Somebody spotted this in a local park last week. Made all the news channels and local media outlets.
The experts decided it's a 'Black Rat Snake', indigenous to the local area. 10 to 12' (or more) and massive.
They were trying to locate it to remove it to a safer area, but now can't find it the last I heard. Park traffic has been cut in half, nobody wants to run into it.
A real job killer for the local squirel trapper I would guess. Lol.