What did you accomplish today?

Uh...what do you all do with your kief? Personally I’m not a huge fan of smoking dry sift by itself, or on top of flowers...

I feel like I would be tumbling to extract kief, only to turn around and squish the kief into rosin so I can ingest it in a method that I prefer

That's why I asked if it would do anything if you ran iso over the kief. I've had my bags for a while but always pressed it into hash balls.
@tyler.durden Tyler, have you ever smoked any of the weed inside the drum after you've sifted it in that machine? I'm curious as to how potency compares. In a different regard weed that has been vaped as in a Volcano or such is still quite potent to make edibles with.

No, I have never tried that. When I take it out, it has spent many hours in the tumbler and I just toss it. Next time I'll give some to my kid to try, that boy will smoke almost anything. I found a couple pounds of ten year old weed I had misplaced, which was interesting. He even smoked that, lol.