What did you accomplish today?

Made two large size "mandalas" from dandelion heads, one in a large static deep puddle and the other in a swirling, whirlpool type motion part of a creek. Worked on 100ft UFO, brought home a fresh pine stump, trimmed cherry trees, ran into a man who gave me a shit-ton of primo cedar planks, bought some bizarre succulents for rock garden................blahblahblah..........a good day.
No, taught myself with the internet as a teacher. Mind you I had skills before and some technical related knowlege.

I like one minimalist design, just the inside of the sound hole is bound. Not the best shot of it but what I got. You can see what looks like a little shadow around the hole. You can notice it by comparing to the cedar top.


Really Beautiful work.
Got a letter from the IRS, I was thinking I did something wrong. Nope, it was to tell me I get $4200 stimulus payment by direct deposit. :hump:
Didn't expect that, guess we'll put it against the mortgage.
I got the same letter the other day for my $1400. My neighbor actually found it in the street and put it on the car. Lol, my daughter sucks at bringing in the mail...
What did you do today that you're proud of? Something at work, home, school, personal achievement, etc...

Today I had gravel dropped off and I put in a new driveway. It was a lot of work but I got it done quicker than I thought I would.:)

Had a moment with more than one of my children in the same day.
There was a power plant that was built in their main grazing area. The constant traffic plus the loss of habitat caused them to move up north.


When my mom was still alive we used to walk together. I refused to let her walk by herself. One day we were on our way home and pretty close to our property when we both watched a mountain lion slink across the road (from our property) and down to the river. It was the most beautiful and terrifying thing I've ever seen. We have bears that go after our trash too. Damn things.
Can remember going to outhouse as kid, big fucken black bear, shit myself right there. In front yard.