What did you accomplish today?

I bought one of those extractors for my boat it works fine but the oil filter is still going to make a mess in the bilge for me.
I was going to say torch .... hot and cold....cycle after cycle...... but it’s probably cross threaded . Might as well drill it and tap or heli coil it . Either way just let us know we talk you into burning the car .... house or yourself.

I bought one of those extractors for my boat it works fine but the oil filter is still going to make a mess in the bilge for me.
I was going to say torch .... hot and cold....cycle after cycle...... but it’s probably cross threaded . Might as well drill it and tap or heli coil it . Either way just let us know we talk you into burning the car .... house or yourself.
Actually I was going to take it back to the tire shop and flip the mechanic a $20 tip, along with a new plug and gasket. Up on a lift with a torch and a bunch of different extractors they can probably get it out easier than I.

But I was shopping for a new car anyways, and then covid hit and I stopped looking, so maybe I can buy one before my next oil change is due.

I use to love crawling under a car and fixing it. "Use to" is the key there. Now I can barely get up off a creeper!

Damn I was in bed but couldn't sleep, thinking about my trashed rental and the asswipes living there.

I think my goal for the summer should be 1. sell my 2 student rentals, and 2. buy or lease a brand new daily driver!

But June is going be a pain in the arse getting them cleaned up :fire:
Actually I was going to take it back to the tire shop and flip the mechanic a $20 tip, along with a new plug and gasket. Up on a lift with a torch and a bunch of different extractors they can probably get it out easier than I.

But I was shopping for a new car anyways, and then covid hit and I stopped looking, so maybe I can buy one before my next oil change is due.

I use to love crawling under a car and fixing it. "Use to" is the key there. Now I can barely get up off a creeper!

Damn I was in bed but couldn't sleep, thinking about my trashed rental and the asswipes living there.

I think my goal for the summer should be 1. sell my 2 student rentals, and 2. buy or lease a brand new daily driver!

But June is going be a pain in the arse getting them cleaned up :fire:
My advice, do not lease. As a landlord you know what I’m saying.
My advice, do not lease. As a landlord you know what I’m saying.
I have never leased a car before,. but I drive less than 10k a year now so I thought it might be an idea. If I get rid of the rentals I can get rid of the pickup truck too and only have 1 car...Maybe :) A truck is handy!
Finished up our bed today. Hoping it will last 20 plus years.
Beautiful, what kind of wood? A friend who is a horticulturist was just telling me if you lay chicken wire flat around the bed, like you did with burlap, it will keep any animals with hoofs away, and you can mow right over it...and she said a lot of smaller animals don't like it either and will avoid. I might give it a try. The deer were topping my tomatoes last year.

Lets try this sleep thing again :eyesmoke:
I have never leased a car before,. but I drive less than 10k a year now so I thought it might be an idea. If I get rid of the rentals I can get rid of the pickup truck too and only have 1 car...Maybe :) A truck is handy!

Beautiful, what kind of wood? A friend who is a horticulturist was just telling me if you lay chicken wire flat around the bed, like you did with burlap, it will keep any animals with hoofs away, and you can mow right over it...and she said a lot of smaller animals don't like it either and will avoid. I might give it a try. The deer were topping my tomatoes last year.

Lets try this sleep thing again :eyesmoke:
It's cedar, milled from one log. The wire idea work for cats??
Nope. Rough cut cedar. Lined the inside with burlap to help prevent erosion out the bottom. Learned about a bees wax sealing process after we had already added the soil. :wall:
Saw the rough cut is all. Mind screamed. Cedar is very nice. And that dimension will hold a very long time. Some type of organic seal is just pretty for longer. You'll be building bigger before then. LOL.
Starting a new job today.....
I’m still at the university but with a new group..
I’m officially an electrician now not just playing one without being paid like one lol. Wish me luck.....just call me Sparky or Wingnut or Asshole so know who you are talking to.

It's cedar, milled from one log. The wire idea work for cats??

IDK about cats...I'd guess probably not.
I ran a shop for over 20 years after a 24 year stint as an E9 heavy diesel mechanic but meh, what do I know?
BTW, if the threads in the pan are stripped, what's your recommendation for a fix?

Used properly they can and will be one of the best tools in the arsenal of a professional mechanic that knows his shit.
I'm assuming you've met the opposite.
Of all the tools the hub owns I am not allowed to use the impact tools (none of them, that drawer is locked).
Made it to the fish store, $75 later and I could still use more fish. Glad I didn't go tomorrow, they are shutting down fish sales until next month for some unexplained reason. I'll have to head the other direction to get more fish. Leftover burrito for dinner, just cracked my first beer. I'm done for today.
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I got my lawns cut, and wrote a nasty note to my tenants that took about 2 hours to write. I hate wasting time on shit like that, but need to cover my bases in case I get sued!

Burgers on the grill for dinner and I should head down and water the girls before bed!

I'm thinking of steam cleaning my furniture tomorrow, just to make sure my machine is in tip top shape. I have one of those Bissell Big Green Machines like they rent at WalMart and grocery stores, with a huge upholstery tool...It is awesome!! And looks like I'm not the only one who thinks so....10k plus 5 star reviews on Amazon
