What did you accomplish today?

A good friend of ours in Alaska owned a bar & somehow got The Amazing Rhythm Aces to play and we attended the after party.
I've always been a great fan of them & they are a really cool laid back bunch of guys, especially Russell Smith.

My "successful" intro to cocaine was with a couple guys from Lynyrd Skynyrd who were friends of my sister's hubby at the time. I went to visit sis and they were all snorting; one of them offered me some I declined cuz it had never worked for me and I didn't want to waste it. He took it as a challenge and began shoveling it up my nose. It worked
Damn ants got to my feeders out back. The old inside out duct tape around the post time.

And as warned. Here is my day for the most part.

3 hours slow and low at 200-250. 45 minutes at 325-350 and hard smoke for the color and bark to set. Another hour to glaze 3 times at 250. Fall off the bone with the prerequisite bite composure.

Wife will be home shortly the table and cut cornbread.
