What did you accomplish today?

What was accomplished today; lots of bitching about moderation in a privately operated forum.

Maybe y'all could try using the ignore button? It's worked wonders for me, to the point where I wish I could buy one for my real life!
Isn't that called a smart phone? Head down, totally involved, moving forward without any idea what's around you?
Kosher Kush. In an organic supersoil that I tweaked from subcool's recipe a while back.

Yeah I was trying to go big or go home before we leave for Disneyworld late February. I started with 30 seeds and had 100% success using the paper towel method. But then I suck at watering and lost a couple. Then I culled a few runts and was left with 10. I sucked at watering last time too and was left with 1 lol. So I'm doing good actually!

Have you grown the kosher kush before ??? If so how'd you like it ??
I've never put anyone on ignore. I feel compelled to watch it all, from the inspirational posts to the car wrecks. It's especially difficult to ignore a good car wreck ;)
Indeed the screeching tires rite before the BOOM is an attention grabber

Or in a guy il call windels case just for example ...and obvious reasons ...no screeching just driving along foolishly over the speed limit not knowing how to drive in the first place do to being a completely incompetent idiot and bam ....I'm partial to the sudden explosions with no warning ...but a screech is cool to ....
Have you grown the kosher kush before ??? If so how'd you like it ??

Yeah I grew it last go round rather lackadaisical on the cheap with leftover rockwool and leftover miscellaneous salt nutes. So it wasn't a very good benchmark. It still turned out well even with me being a jerk to her. Which I guess is a testament to her. So I'm pretty pumped to do it proper in my soil this go round.
Indeed the screeching tires rite before the BOOM is an attention grabber

Or in a guy il call windels case just for example ...and obvious reasons ...no screeching just driving along foolishly over the speed limit not knowing how to drive in the first place do to being a completely incompetent idiot and bam ....I'm partial to the sudden explosions with no warning ...but a screech is cool to ....

It was fun until I saw one where the guy didn't get out.
Today was a bust. I did some plant training, maybe 10% of what I should have and cut, well broke off, a couple clones and......that's it. Otherwise, wasted my day between this forum, looking up info on new growing methods and watching the Simpsons marathon. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've eaten since like 8 this morning.
It was fun until I saw one where the guy didn't get out.
Ya strange you say that ....there's been two deaths near my lil country house in the last few weeks ....one was a woman last weekend ran off the road and hit a tree square killed her instantly and the other was a young boy who got shot in town while driving died behind the wheel and hit a tree ....very close to eachother though ....I live in the cuts so there's lots of roadside crosses and trees with flowers around em
Yeah I grew it last go round rather lackadaisical on the cheap with leftover rockwool and leftover miscellaneous salt nutes. So it wasn't a very good benchmark. It still turned out well even with me being a jerk to her. Which I guess is a testament to her. So I'm pretty pumped to do it proper in my soil this go round.
I grow lots of kush for my patients and have always wondered about it that's why I ask ....if you remember keep me posted on how it turns out potency wise .....I ran some bubba kush this year18 of em and it was a last minute deal getting the beans ...turned out real nice and my patients really enjoy it for pain relief so il be running more very soon .

Interested in the kosher though
Man, we can't see every post though we try most-times.
There's just an ass load of shit that gets by & if it's not reported odds are it might not get dealt with.
We're tryin boss. :cool:
Ssshhhh don't tell anyone ....but I usually know I'm acting like an ass and deserve a lil mod attention ...I getaway with a lot of shenanigans so like I said before I have no hard feelings towards any of you ...not even Sunni and she's the one who usually delivers the verbal spankins ...but like somebody mentioned earlier you couldn't pay me to mod our shenanigans .....however I do appreciate your explanation on how things work GWN .....peace and havea good night will see you all tomorrow and I hope all is good in your neck of the woods GW ...

Won't the outside section allow moisture and humidity into the building through the permeable floor under the door? Wouldn't a sealed structure be better? Just curious. ..
Please, let us know if you find out. I'll see what I can find. I'd like to put a channel in front of my garage doors for drainage, the pad shifted allowing water to drain back towards the door. This stuff wound be nice to fill it, rather than steel grates. Wonder if freezing water would break it apart? @tangerinegreen555

It is porous. When the company owner came in June, he brought boxes of 1' square color samples. We poured water over them and it went right through to the bottom.
So freezing water shouldn't be an issue unless it backs up over the top making it slippy.
The stuff is a half inch thick. The only way to damage it is blunt force. You could smash it with a sledge or cut it with a masonry saw. It's as hard as rock because that's what it is. Normal use won't impact it.
There will be a half inch under garage door seals. I suppose it will be a minor cold air breech, but not wide open and you'd probably have to be laying there to notice it. There's also a flap seal on garage door bottom to help with that.

The whole theory was to resurface garage floor. It looks great and uniform again. There is a sealant you put on every few years, but they said I only would need that on the outside exposed part.
And 'sealant' isn't the correct word because it remains porous. You wash a car there and the water sinks through immediately and finds it's way down the slopes to the drains.
It is porous. When the company owner came in June, he brought boxes of 1' square color samples. We poured water over them and it went right through to the bottom.
So freezing water shouldn't be an issue unless it backs up over the top making it slippy.
The stuff is a half inch thick. The only way to damage it is blunt force. You could smash it with a sledge or cut it with a masonry saw. It's as hard as rock because that's what it is. Normal use won't impact it.
There will be a half inch under garage door seals. I suppose it will be a minor cold air breech, but not wide open and you'd probably have to be laying there to notice it. There's also a flap seal on garage door bottom to help with that.

The whole theory was to resurface garage floor. It looks great and uniform again. There is a sealant you put on every few years, but they said I only would need that on the outside exposed part.
And 'sealant' isn't the correct word because it remains porous. You wash a car there and the water sinks through immediately and finds it's way down the slopes to the drains.

It looks great! I love epoxy floors, they are very tough but can stain with hi acid products and by all means protect it from heat. dont let cigs burn out on the floor or cut metal without protecting the surface.

Nothing worse then having to walk by a f*ck up and be reminded up for years…..experience pays!
It looks great! I love epoxy floors, they are very tough but can stain with hi acid products and by all means protect it from heat. dont let cigs burn out on the floor or cut metal without protecting the surface.

Nothing worse then having to walk by a f*ck up and be reminded up for years…..experience pays!

The guy said a customer called him one day complaining his stone was turning white.
He went to the location and what turned white was where the tires went over it during the winter when they were salting the roads from snow.
They asked if he pressure washed it at least once a year and he said no.
The white was powdered road salt.

Pressure wash restored the color.

Most of it is common sense. Avoid chemicals on floor and cover floor with tarp when using saws so sawdust doesn't ultimately go down the drains, etc.

They say anything will pressure wash out and the pressure washing won't etch it like it will those paver stones. Still, one should try to avoid problems.
It looks great! I love epoxy floors, they are very tough but can stain with hi acid products and by all means protect it from heat. dont let cigs burn out on the floor or cut metal without protecting the surface.

Nothing worse then having to walk by a f*ck up and be reminded up for years…..experience pays!
I had my garage floor epoxied, I didn't go with the commercial coating thickness, just the recommended residential thickness, I think they were 1/8" or 1/16" thick. Welding, dropping big wrenches, impact guns, axles, etc have F'ed it up beyond belief. Now I'm looking into how to repair the big chips and blisters.