What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I have a few clients that I deliver to, mainly because they have other plugs that deliver so I have to be competitive. They like the quality of my weed best, but they are not willing to travel across the city on public transportation to obtain it. I get it, I wouldn't either. I couldn't find anyone to drive me to my buddy who wanted two ounces, so my kid told me to send it Uber Connect. I had never heard of this service - you simply put the package in the Uber driver's car, and the party on the other side takes the package out of car when delivered. I put the two ounces in a smell proof bag, then into a plastic Folger's coffee can with a little coffee inside, then into a black plastic bag, then into a little box which I taped up. I was downstairs putting my new city sticker on my car when the driver pulled up, I put the box in the back seat behind the driver, and he took off. My buddy texted me when I received it, and it seems it was in the exact spot in the car when it was delivered so I don't think the driver ever touched it. Weed delivered in 18 minutes for $18 including tip. What a great time to be alive...

go go kid

Well-Known Member
Spent the last two days in hospital with a broken foot, 3 broken bones and one dislocated, now i have toreturn next week to have an operation on it to get them pinned.
thing was, i went to hospital and had xrays twoweeks agoand was given the allclear, then iget a phone call telling me toreturn to hospital fora ct scan of the foot where they discovered the extent of the damage. Soicant do anything. Ahhhh bollox. Envying all youguys n gals with things they can do. Think im going to spend the time on my guitar, at least its something constructive.

yes i too have had to let a good friend go from my employ, it a realy unplesant experiance, but lucalythey understood the situation, but i must have downed a half bottle of rum in order to tell her


Well-Known Member
Spent the last two days in hospital with a broken foot, 3 broken bones and one dislocated, now i have toreturn next week to have an operation on it to get them pinned.
thing was, i went to hospital and had xrays twoweeks agoand was given the allclear, then iget a phone call telling me toreturn to hospital fora ct scan of the foot where they discovered the extent of the damage. Soicant do anything. Ahhhh bollox. Envying all youguys n gals with things they can do. Think im going to spend the time on my guitar, at least its something constructive.
Sorry to hear it, welcome to my world...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Spent the last two days in hospital with a broken foot, 3 broken bones and one dislocated, now i have toreturn next week to have an operation on it to get them pinned.
thing was, i went to hospital and had xrays twoweeks agoand was given the allclear, then iget a phone call telling me toreturn to hospital fora ct scan of the foot where they discovered the extent of the damage. Soicant do anything. Ahhhh bollox. Envying all youguys n gals with things they can do. Think im going to spend the time on my guitar, at least its something constructive.

yes i too have had to let a good friend go from my employ, it a realy unplesant experiance, but lucalythey understood the situation, but i must have downed a half bottle of rum in order to tell her
Sorry go go that sucks. Usually in an urgent type situation a radiologist doesn't look at the films until later. Sorry you got the short stick.

Sorry to hear it, welcome to my world...
I immediately thought of you :hug: :hug: