What did you accomplish today?

On a fluke, just walking the old hound, met a young man...........came home with a 1862 Tower, black powder rifle. One major problem......the stock is broken off........got some thinking to do.........to make long short, I gave the young gentleman three heavy duty 50 gal plastic barrels barrels and an oz. of Chocolope.......he's happy, I'm happy......love bartering around here. So many versions of this rifle, I haven't identified........0.577 caliber, shot 24" barrel.
What did you do today that you're proud of? Something at work, home, school, personal achievement, etc...

Today I had gravel dropped off and I put in a new driveway. It was a lot of work but I got it done quicker than I thought I would.:)


This morning I had to do a complete water change/cleaned out my Turtles 55 gallon tank, and set up a new area for her to bask on. Then a couple hours ago I started processing 100 pre-rolls for a friend of mine. Just finished stuffing the last king sized Raw cone into its tube, and all I need to do is slap on the labels!! I feel like I definitely deserve this glob of party foul hash rosin I'm about to drop.
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Thia morning I had to do a complete water change/cleaned out my Turtles 55 gallon tank, and set up a new area for her to bask on. Then a couple hours ago I started processing 100 pre-rolls for a friend of mine. Just finished stuffing the last king sized Raw cone into its tube, and all I need to do is slap on the labels!! I feel like I definitely deserve this glob of party foul hash rosin I'm about to drop.

Welcome to TnT!

Are you a Turtle?