this is apparently my week to do the touristy shit i never do...a new skylift opened up about 10 miles from my house, and my visiting friends wanted to go check it out. looks like everyone is trying to get into the riding stable business....

the fall colors are starting to come on, looks like it's going to be nice by the end of the month

deep in the forest primeval...

couple of turkeys, which is kind of odd, never see less than half a dozen at once.

top of the mountain, not much to do, took pictures, played a couple of games of cornhole, watched other people eating disgusting moonpies (i hate those fucking things, i was a fat kid and would still pass on a moonpie)

little bonus, two black bear cubs were wandering around directly under the lift, looked for mama, didn't see her, but you know she ain't far away

Wears Valley, the area between Pigeon Forge and Townsend. the foothills parkway starts just a mile or two away