What did you accomplish today?

Looks like a large lake!! Gotta be nice living on a lake. You are making me want to get some skates!!

It's Nirvana for me ( plus I'm retired and can play most of the day). Something about being around the water....how people gravitate to it.....maybe that's because the water is where we came from, our origin. Speaking of skating, I went ass over teacup the other day. My daughter caught it on a video and I'm trying to post it...no luck yet.
Been prepping X-country vintage wooden skis. The skiis are 38yrs old, fantastic shape....."Asnes", our go to much of the winter. We load up small pack with hearty trail food, hot coffee, brandy and of course....mariquana. The forests are so beautiful in winter, like a different world . To be in the deep wood blanketed in white , no wind ,where the only sound is giant flakes of snow hitting forest floor.
Pulled a good one on my wife last night, I mistook her skiis for mine.....she spent all night resurfacing bottom of ski with our homemade pine tar. She did a great job.....the look on her face when I told her the skies were mine....a great yuk !
Just can't find this old school, outdated equipment easily...I understand why people want it.
You just can't beat the feel of a good wood ski.....they ride like a Cadallic compared to the " plastic", cookie-cutter x-country ski ( my opinion and experience). I have about 7 pairs of woods.


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I have 5 videos for EMT class that all together are about 7 hours. They cover the legalities of the job and the speaker has a monotone voice. There's quizzes that pop up to make sure you're watching. They're due by Sunday. I barely stayed awake for one. Kill me please.
Can you exercise while watching them? I’ve yet to fall asleep on a treadmill
Due to the big storm my ice rink disappeared. Snow way to heavy to clear rink so I made a half-assed oval instead( they call me " Apollo Oh No " ) Also worked on snow scupture....not so easy today, my young hounds figured out they could run to top.....great ! Maybe when it freezes solid tonight it will be to slippery to climb, I hope. Did manage to pack on more snow and started to shape the head of aView attachment 5070407View attachment 5070408View attachment 5070409

Other than a giant boob, very nice by the way, what did you end up sculpting?

That turned to solid ice...." colder than a witch's tit ".....never did ice, just packed snow. I've been getting ripped and giving it ago. Trying to do a demon from the waist up .......coiled snake body waste down.I got two young hounds that help me out a lot.

My wife likes to make a snowman with tea candles or battery powered leds lighting it up.
She made a "oh Noo!" snowman that people either loved or hated, depending on how fast they drive, lol.
Then a scary jack-o-lantern snowman, church lady stopped and complained, lol. That was a good one.

2 women complained about the large perky breasts on a snowlady, all the kids on the school bus whistled at her, then someone humped it, judging from the crime scene. Those snow breasts did seem to defy the rules of snow making, they were amazing. Looked like they were carved from marble.
My wife likes to make a snowman with tea candles or battery powered leds lighting it up.
She made a "oh Noo!" snowman that people either loved or hated, depending on how fast they drive, lol.
Then a scary jack-o-lantern snowman, church lady stopped and complained, lol. That was a good one.

2 women complained about the large perky breasts on a snowlady, all the kids on the school bus whistled at her, then someone humped it, judging from the crime scene. Those snow breasts did seem to defy the rules of snow making, they were amazing. Looked like they were carved from marble.

I love the provocative , the shit that makes people " look twice".....screw conformity and the church lady. Make those beautiful marble breasts. And you are so right, you can work that snow right into " marble"...beautiful medium to work with, with a nice buzz of course ! Spray bottles with water also help bring out that sheen when massaged in. For a kid like me it's a blast.
I'm cleaning the front wall in the livingroom. With 2 people smoking cigs it gets nasty after awhile. I may need a case of 409 to finish the whole livingroom. It is getting closer to the color I painted it 20+ years ago.
Yea, them dirty old cigs ( I smoked butts from 6th grade to 60yrs old.....I vape and still like old school snuff) , the tar use to run down the wall when trying to clean. Good old 409.....I think many people credit that products name to 60's Chevy engine. Those f'ing butts are mighty tasty, as I recall.
Yea, them dirty old cigs ( I smoked butts from 6th grade to 60yrs old.....I vape and still like old school snuff) , the tar use to run down the wall when trying to clean. Good old 409.....I think many people credit that products name to 60's Chevy engine. Those f'ing butts are mighty tasty, as I recall.
I make my own with "pipe tobacco". Can't afford to buy them. I think it's $80 a carton now.
I'm cleaning the front wall in the livingroom. With 2 people smoking cigs it gets nasty after awhile. I may need a case of 409 to finish the whole livingroom. It is getting closer to the color I painted it 20+ years ago.
Have you ever used this stuff...I like the one in the green box better I think, but this stuff melts tobacco and grease away like nobody's business, and it's like $5 a box
