What did you accomplish today?

Back in the day……….
Us white boys had the crank, not this silly meth shard crap lol, my mexican buddies had the most purest cocaine.
god i miss those days. We had allot of fun. Kinda ruined my marriage and shit but. Was very fun. We tried to have a good time while breaking our backs building america.

I haven’t touched the speed in like 12 yrs and am positive i wont ever again. Don’t fucking judge me fuckers

I guess I didn't have that connection lol I definitely had some of the best salsas I've ever had. But cane came from somewhere else.
I guess I didn't have that connection lol I definitely had some of the best salsas I've ever had. But cane came from somewhere else.
In the early nineties to early 2000’s. Cocaine was so good and cheap. As far as speed, it went to shit when they made it hard to get ephedrine. Which is a good thing. Speed is so bad. That shit is fucking disgusting looking back. Coke is weak even the best shit. Puts a frown on my face either way. I like smiling :-)
I liked (loved) coke in the late 90's early mid 00's. Had some really good stuff back then.
I graduated highschool in ‘91.
My freshman year coke was super good and hella cheap. I never sold it but my buddies did. I sold bud and hits of acid through all of highschool. It was like the late 80’s when it went from being super expensive to pretty cheap. One little pinner line you couldn’t even take a sip off a beer for 15 min
I graduated highschool in ‘91.
My freshman year coke was super good and hella cheap. I never sold it but my buddies did. I sold bud and hits of acid through all of highschool. It was like the late 80’s when it went from being super expensive to pretty cheap. One little pinner line you couldn’t even take a sip off a beer for 15 min

I graduated '99 but I hung out with a much older crowd. You're my cousin's age. She couldn't believe the "shit bags" (her words) I hung out with lol I blame it on dirt bikes lol
Regrettably I’ve never been inside to see the dead play on new years eve but i’ve been in the parking lot a few times while they were playing to score some drugs. Oakland

Growing up my neighbor was a Dead Head. I was a young teen with amazing bud right there..anytime. Hash, mushrooms, so much fun lol
In the early nineties to early 2000’s. Cocaine was so good and cheap. As far as speed, it went to shit when they made it hard to get ephedrine. Which is a good thing. Speed is so bad. That shit is fucking disgusting looking back. Coke is weak even the best shit. Puts a frown on my face either way. I like smiling :-)

Ya gotta know some big boys. Haven't indulged in quite a a while, that shit ( the shiny, flaky real deal ) is just too f'ing good. Assholes have been stomping coke to death forever. Youngsters get a speed/baby laxative buzz and thinks it's coke. It's a beautiful drug but takes many down a very bad road.
Ya gotta know some big boys. Haven't indulged in quite a a while, that shit ( the shiny, flaky real deal ) is just too f'ing good. Assholes have been stomping coke to death forever. Youngsters get a speed/baby laxative buzz and thinks it's coke. It's a beautiful drug but takes many down a very bad road.
Like i had said. It was so prevalent in the bay area back then. If you just wanted a ball you could get it for $50-80. Same price as crank back then too. Crazy rite! You hear about how expensive that ball was up into like the mid 80’s. $300! Crazy.
Back in the day……….
Us white boys had the crank, not this silly meth shard crap lol, my mexican buddies had the most purest cocaine.
god i miss those days. We had allot of fun. Kinda ruined my marriage and shit but. Was very fun. We tried to have a good time while breaking our backs building america.

I haven’t touched the speed in like 12 yrs and am positive i wont ever again. Don’t fucking judge me fuckers