What did you accomplish today?

Quick update. @raratt hit me up the other day wondering where i was at with the tile. Busy as fuck doing a bunch of other shit but was able to lay some caulk down today. Will be done with the cock tomorrow morning. The finish plumbing super soon.
my island arrived! Yay!
Been waiting for this bad boy
the shower doors are ordered. Got all the fixtures. Toilets. Everything
No, this was our first time.. didn't get to do as much as I'd have liked with the wedding taking a good chunk of one day, having to go get the marriage license, etc etc
Oh well shit i bet you had hella fun super jelly.

the BI is the best. You want the bitchen resort experience def stay on the Kona side. But you gotta check out the lava flows bro. My buddy lives up in volcano. Its bad ass
I was on the phone for almost an hour with Lowes trying to find out what was up with the fill strips they didn't send in my cabinet order. They said it will ship from the manufacturer the 27th, so I should have them a few days after that, hopefully. Finished weeding the one garden and contacted the bulk soil place to get my smart bags soil. I'll go get it tomorrow.
Took dad to his neuropsycological assesment yesterday. His EEG today. Short term memory is shot after his last spell in dec. Filled his med planner. Paperwork. Stuffed 10lb pork butt in the crockpot. Tortillas etc. F.'n chipotles in adobo didnt get rung up. Haircut, went from 6in to half guard sides back finger length up top. Feels good now my pale ass needs some sun.
Took dad to his neuropsycological assesment yesterday. His EEG today. Short term memory is shot after his last spell in dec. Filled his med planner. Paperwork. Stuffed 10lb pork butt in the crockpot. Tortillas etc. F.'n chipotles in adobo didnt get rung up. Haircut, went from 6in to half guard sides back finger length up top. Feels good now my pale ass needs some sun.

Sorry to hear about your dad. The rest sounds good.