What did you accomplish today?

I'll get with you on the pulls, the Mrs wants black ones (that doesn't sound right) with a matte black sink faucet.
I got a catalog for you to choose from. Roughly $5 a pull. Knobs are cheaper but everyone is doing pulls now. 3 different sizes these ones aint cheap. They’re solid not hollow pieces of shit. Straight hook up from cabinet dude.
Ran all the bubblers for the smart pots (the ones that are filled), planted the tomatoes and put in the cages. Have two more pots to fill and run lines into. I think I have enough soil left in the truck to fill the last 2 pots. Used a 4" piece of 2X2 redwood and a nail in clamp buried in the soil to hold the 1/4" lines in the pots. Need to order the greenhouse to attach shade cloth to. Need to get some zucchini plants and plant all the green beans. Might need to swap out the bubblers for drip line for the beans, I'll find out. Still contemplating what else to plant.IMG_0007.JPGIMG_0008.JPG
I’m working on a new seedling area. This is a rough idea and nothing near the finished product it’ll be sealed and lined with a fan and small heater when done so no judgements guys just a rough idea so far will complete over the next few weeks. It should hold about 100 solo cups or about fifty one gallon pots to be used for outdoor plants.B842D812-A1DA-4548-81D0-8896E78CDC89.jpeg2BE6B229-03E3-46EC-8AA9-4B8DC96BFC5C.jpeg687CFD5F-D514-4242-B458-80307260777C.jpeg