What did you accomplish today?

I think C2G cursed me. I didn't think about where the vent pipe would be attached. Now that I have most of it down I can see there is a clamp attached to the upper cleat, yes it was easier to take down in pieces. Now I have to figure out if I can undo the clamp without having the whole pipe come through the ceiling. :shock:
It is also done naturally by fungus if I'm not mistaken. It's the very early stage of rot.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a fungus that does that. There's a woodworker that comes to the local farmers market every year. We end up taking for a while every week geeking out with shop talk lol The guy does some really cool work.....has a CNC router and a bunch of other cool toys. He asked me to stop by because he's only about 15 minutes away. Might do that this summer.