What did you accomplish today?

Sorry you have experienced this loss.

Was this friend aware of the risk?
How accomplished were they at woodworking?

Was it a first attempt for this tequnique?

So many questions.:?:
I'm guessing here from knowing the guy for so long but it was probably his first time trying it and it was definitely homemade. And yeah he knew the risk from losing another high-school classmate a couple years earlier the same way.
Some of this poplar gets a dark purple to it. I like how it contrasted with the lighter colored sap wood on the opposite piece. Just a card scraper took care of the glue up. If you've ever cut yourself on an unsuspecting piece of metal, you can under stand how a card scraper can cut through wood, very cleanly I might add.

I get a lot of time to think in the shop. There are a lot of assholes in the world. Maybe I deal with more than the average person. Maybe I'm less tolerant of them. But If the meaning to life is to go around seeking out these assholes and letting them know it, I figure I'm doing pretty good at it. "No thanks asshole, I can read". I guess we're all assholes in our own respect, myself included. In which case the world really is just a bunch of assholes going around letting each other know, sometimes in less subtle ways, how we feel about each other.
Finished loli popping and the next generation is in the cloner...I don't bother trimming fan leaves any more!

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Groovy man, we use the same cloner. Did you change pumps? The one mine came with heats the water up to between 85°-95°, so I ended up keeping the rez in tuffy bin water bath that I add ice bottles to once or twice a day while cloning. Keeps my water temps in the low - mid 70's.