What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
So where I was sent today I did my repairs and the two knuckleheads I have working with me right now getting trained decided we could help this plant repair a water issue they are having with they’re backside restrooms and break rooms. so I say sure we can check it out oh my god do I wish I didn’t say that. They have a urinal, showers, toilets, two sinks all divided into four rooms somehow being fed from three different water supplies like the showers are traceable and tie into the main well and softener system. the one bathroom is tied into the main plants water supply then the other adjoining bathroom just comes from god knows where. They have no prints and the people who work there haven’t been there long enough to know anything. So I crawl under the area in a crawl space to trace down these water lines. No shit the come out of the floor and go straight into the ground as in the earth like poly flex tube red and blue just going into the earth I dig it out 24 inches and the tubing was still going down. Never in my life have I seen such stupidity and I’ve seen some pretty dumb shit.


Well-Known Member
Finally got around to sitting on hold waiting for a Comcast representative so I could cancel the 150+ channels of garbage reality television I don't watch. Got the plan switched to internet only and am now saving $90 a month. You can change your plan online but the website only lets you add stuff not remove anything.

I wish I would have done it a long time ago. Instead I kept paying for garbage television I never watched. The crap on TV these days is beyond belief. Who the hell watches that crap. Every channel is some stupid fake home makeover, idiot hip hop in Atlanta, the kardashians or some other stupid family. I can't believe that anyone would watch any of it. The on demand stuff is the same crap you get for free with Amazon Prime or on youtube. Speaking of youtube, I looked into youtube TV and was kind of shocked that they want $65 a month for basically the same crap comcast had for only $20 a month cheaper.

Time for the digital antenna so I can get the local news. There are plenty of free sources available to stream much of the same junk others are charging for.


Well-Known Member
Finally got around to sitting on hold waiting for a Comcast representative so I could cancel the 150+ channels of garbage reality television I don't watch. Got the plan switched to internet only and am now saving $90 a month. You can change your plan online but the website only lets you add stuff not remove anything.

I wish I would have done it a long time ago. Instead I kept paying for garbage television I never watched. The crap on TV these days is beyond belief. Who the hell watches that crap. Every channel is some stupid fake home makeover, idiot hip hop in Atlanta, the kardashians or some other stupid family. I can't believe that anyone would watch any of it. The on demand stuff is the same crap you get for free with Amazon Prime or on youtube. Speaking of youtube, I looked into youtube TV and was kind of shocked that they want $65 a month for basically the same crap comcast had for only $20 a month cheaper.

Time for the digital antenna so I can get the local news. There are plenty of free sources available to stream much of the same junk others are charging for.
I went through the same BS with them. They kept saying I had to pay for TV because it was in my "package". Finally found someone smart enough to separate out the internet part. Pissed away a bunch of money for nothing.