What did you accomplish today?

God you people are hard to please. Yes I live in peace loving, disarmed except law enforcement and trying to get medicated legally Canada. Our politicians want to be great but holy fuck you can't tell which coloured market is the bad guys...government hot pink Trudeau pretty boy or black marketed pot that totes to keep kids safe as a lie in order to dupe us sheeple into a false hope LP system. And no! We will not be freeing any pot prisoners nor supplying our Veterans with enough meds to keep them alive. ...We're just that bad assed. Or idiotic, I'm not sure which at this point.
...But then you guys in the US had a basically illiterate and pre chosen Pres in George W. P. World Bush, (elected by the omission of black voters) and now holy shit disturbing, hate mongering, incest wanting, bankcrupcy major in University and self loving Pres Mr. Trump the self exalted success.
Let's all have a hit as we sing..."it's a big fucked up world and I'm just another weird face in the crowd".
God you people are hard to please. Yes I live in peace loving, disarmed except law enforcement and trying to get medicated legally Canada. Our politicians want to be great but holy fuck you can't tell which coloured market is the bad guys...government hot pink Trudeau pretty boy or black marketed pot that totes to keep kids safe as a lie in order to dupe us sheeple into a false hope LP system. And no! We will not be freeing any pot prisoners nor supplying our Veterans with enough meds to keep them alive. ...We just that bad assed. Or idiotic, I'm not sure which at this point.
...But then you guys in the US had a basically illiterate and pre chosen Pres in George W. P. World Bush, (elected by the omission of black voters) and now holy shit disturbing, hate mongering, incest wanting, bankcrupcy major in University and self loving Pres Mr. Trump the self exalted success.
Let's all have a hit as we sing..."it's a big fucked up world and I'm just another weird face in the crowd".
The foxes!!! Quit dilly dallying, spill it
The foxes!!! Quit dilly dallying, spill it

@Ernest Benoit you can't just show up here out of the blue, post pictures of foxes, defend Mexican people and leave. You need to stop fucking with our emotions and tell us about the foxes and just what it is that makes you like Mexican people so much! I mean, is it the tacos? I fucking love tacos too. Is it the women? I fucking them too. Is it the men? I like one of them Mexican mens a bunch too, not quite to the love plateau, but I'm sure he understands. Anyways, I wanted to welcome you to the most dysfunctional family this side of the galaxy, I think you're going to fit right in... if you tell us about the fucking foxes and Mexicans and don't go all 6ohmaxdisorder on us.
I like your attitude!! I am carefully studying the subject matter now . Catch ya later pops.
Havnt forgot about our lil agreement I've been working on it .....lots going on but I have got a few hours into it this far .....il let you know when done .......hard to find chill time but I'm not slacking ......all I really had to say is this

Trying to draw with 2 month old and 5 year old at home .....plus work ....lol ......I'm rusty but it's cool for my skill level so far ....
Havnt forgot about our lil agreement I've been working on it .....lots going on but I have got a few hours into it this far .....il let you know when done .......hard to find chill time but I'm not slacking ......all I really had to say is this

Trying to draw with 2 month old and 5 year old at home .....plus work ....lol ......I'm rusty but it's cool for my skill level so far ....
Hey I'll swap you some magic beans for that 2 month old :D
I'm actually sitting in my turbo zx with a new motor and fat turbo ATM letting it run havnt started it in a long while ....had to put the jump pack on it ...to many damn cars ....but it's fun to drive and I just got done at a family members viewing so I figured I'd go drive around a bit ....speed ,do some donuts to clear my mind ....still have the funeral tomorrow .....sucky stuff guys