What did you accomplish today?

F'n perfect powder, yum! I had a day like that down here. Me and friend were at a local small place called Ski Sunrise (yes I was the fourth house from the lift where I lived but well never mind)

Anyway we killed a bottle of peppermint schnapps and went skiing. This guy passed out on the first run! I knew the thing to do was to cross his skis over him, ski down and ski back with the ski patrol make sure he got to the hut for heat.

I did alert the ski patrol, hit the lift and took the other side down about a dozen times LOL He was so pissed! I laughed at him and pointed at the powder.
LOL what a rookie!
Right on. I might have to try that on this older pc i got. I let it upgrade to the new windows. It was hella good for a while. Cleaned things up killer. Now it's fucking slower than shit again. I have to do all kinds of shit to get the internet back up everytime I fire it up. Lame.
Or maybe I buy a new pc?

I use Ubuntu. The installer is what's called a "live CD" that you can burn to a DVD or USB stick and try the OS out without ever making any changes to your current system, as everything on the live CD runs in the computer's RAM and not the actual hard drive. It's pretty awesome and useful. Or maybe you know all this already lol. Anywho always happy to answer Ubuntu questions.