What did you accomplish today?

When I use a number for a shotgun usually I meant shot pellet sizes. As for buck the only thing we can get around here is 00 and 000.

I could see some of the smaller buck size being useful. Wonder why the lack of choices here.
When I use a number for a shotgun usually I meant shot pellet sizes. As for buck the only thing we can get around here is 00 and 000.

I could see some of the smaller buck size being useful. Wonder why the lack of choices here.
Dunno, in buck all I've ever seen was 1->000 and in shot 8->4
edit: have seen #12, we call them snake loads (usually in pistol calibers)
LOL do they have awaze tibbs?
Yes they do and it is outstanding.

I hope people respond to my dinner requesting their cute appearance. Hard to do solo as the meals are imo based around sharing.

Wish a bunch of you all were closer amd I would take us all to my fav bars and restaurants in thw city. They say the eastend of Toronto is lacking in the food department but that is untrue, we have more ethnic places with a more laid back traditional/ family oriented foods.

Also more fancy places opening but honestly they arent my usual spots. I believe we have 7/10 of the best rated restos in canada.

I have been to many and honestly I lean towards the more "common man" foods. .

I am very pasionate about my food as one should be. I was engaged to a girl who went to school for pastry as well As a lot of ky friends are cooks/executive chefs so I am pretty biased.

I could do a whole thread on restaurants in thia city but it would only wntertain me

Edit: I have also worked in bars/ restos/ catering my whole life. Food is awesome
Yes they do and it is outstanding.

I hope people respond to my dinner requesting their cute appearance. Hard to do solo as the meals are imo based around sharing.

Wish a bunch of you all were closer amd I would take us all to my fav bars and restaurants in thw city. They say the eastend of Toronto is lacking in the food department but that is untrue, we have more ethnic places with a more laid back traditional/ family oriented foods.

Also more fancy places opening but honestly they arent my usual spots. I believe we have 7/10 of the best rated restos in canada.

I have been to many and honestly I lean towards the more "common man" foods. .

I am very pasionate about my food as one should be. I was engaged to a girl who went to school for pastry as well As a lot of ky friends are cooks/executive chefs so I am pretty biased.

I could do a whole thread on restaurants in thia city but it would only wntertain me

Edit: I have also worked in bars/ restos/ catering my whole life. Food is awesome
I know 2 guys who got fired from where I worked (drugs) that then went to culinary school and had very successful careers.

Well, the one guy got fired at a country club for spiking spaghetti sauce with weed at a big wig party. I'm sure he felt bad about it later. They never actually proved anything but I heard they were all pretty goofy in there that time.
I know 2 guys who got fired from where I worked (drugs) that then went to culinary school and had very successful careers.

Well, the one guy got fired at a country club for spiking spaghetti sauce with weed at a big wig party. I'm sure he felt bad about it later. They never actually proved anything but I heard they were all pretty goofy in there that time.
Culinary school is popular for ex cons and drug dealers.

My last job was "chef" in a pretty high class resto/catering company. I sold weed/coke to thw executive chef and half the workers.

A 8hr dayfor me was 16$hr plus easily a grand in coke sales.

My schedule was normally set ao I was at parties held in the resto. Food&beverage is riddden with drugs more then the conatruction scene id reckon.

I was let off just before halloween and I called me being let off earlier in the week. I wasmt hit for usingsrugs or drinking either.

It atarted qith a big fight ended with me smashing a couple g on the tavle screaming then throqing my jacket on thw ground cussing.

I worked 5 more days before. I lol'd and knew i was being fired ao i already had vodka ready.

@Eltomcat you remember that dayI got fired?

No?your a fuxking deadass famm
I know 2 guys who got fired from where I worked (drugs) that then went to culinary school and had very successful careers.

Well, the one guy got fired at a country club for spiking spaghetti sauce with weed at a big wig party. I'm sure he felt bad about it later. They never actually proved anything but I heard they were all pretty goofy in there that time.
He should have gotten an award for culinary pairing (at least out here in LA LOL), how times change
Didn't accomplish much today. Took a nap and binged watched old Bela Lugosi movies on youtube while I ate too much. I had an amazing frito pie with pulled pork and baked beans in it.

I tried to play that trumpet I fixed since the mouth piece came in, I did manage to get a note or two but after I stopped the cats kept crying for a good 10 -15 min.
Iam gwtting food and must give tha ka to mylovwly annie<3 ifitwasmtfor youi qouls bot have donea dinnwr for this.

Omg. Ill ve on tc later thanks yoyoy af gotta googog
Pics please LOL or gtfo ha ha

Didn't accomplish much today. Took a nap and binged watched old Bela Lugosi movies on youtube while I ate too much. I had an amazing frito pie with pulled pork and baked beans in it.

I tried to play that trumpet I fixed since the mouth piece came in, I did manage to get a note or two but after I stopped the cats kept crying for a good 10 -15 min.
You get the most pussy LOL love you bw

I mean you are Blue AND a wizard, what's not to like LOL
I know 2 guys who got fired from where I worked (drugs) that then went to culinary school and had very successful careers.

Well, the one guy got fired at a country club for spiking spaghetti sauce with weed at a big wig party. I'm sure he felt bad about it later. They never actually proved anything but I heard they were all pretty goofy in there that time.
LOL. Annie talked me (sorta) into that as well. Last year we were talking about my new and first honest vaporizer(volcano knockoff). She said folks make edibles from the duff. I tossed a bunch into the pasta sauce. It works
When I use a number for a shotgun usually I meant shot pellet sizes. As for buck the only thing we can get around here is 00 and 000.

I could see some of the smaller buck size being useful. Wonder why the lack of choices here.
#4 buckshot is ideal for home defense. Extremely effective at close range with minimal overpenetration.
Didn't accomplish much today. Took a nap and binged watched old Bela Lugosi movies on youtube while I ate too much. I had an amazing frito pie with pulled pork and baked beans in it.

I tried to play that trumpet I fixed since the mouth piece came in, I did manage to get a note or two but after I stopped the cats kept crying for a good 10 -15 min.