What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Oh I finished day one of a 5 week drug program.

I am waiting for next class as the kid beaide me was on a good mwth high.

He got caught in a loop talking about bars. Young kid maybe 19, a report means he breached but idk qhat kinda things hea on.

Oh Wells 1 day down

I just go mildly stoned and a few beers in. Donethis shit before, its not hard

Same ol same ol


Well-Known Member
Ain't that the truth - I used to call my Dad every Sunday afternoon just to chat and I still think about it on the weekends even though he's been gone for almost 2 years now.
Ask your Dad the nagging (and sometimes silly) questions you might have - if you wait you may never know the answer to them. : (

Sorrybto hear that.

I will keep that in mind.

Now I am doing the things dad did with me with my kids. I am really happy. My oldest boy is really interested in hunting. I've been taking him with me. He can't sit still and runs animals off but is still a lot of fun.