What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
When guys would get Weld flash and burn their eyes it was recommended to take a shot glass of milk and cover their eye with it. Might work for a brown eye too.
See ...now I was told to insert a straw in my butthole and ....drink ,,,drink the milk!!...I had to scare myself the first time to get my buttthole to drink ....oh well either way it worked ..

That's the only way I drink milk now.

And yes , rice crispies with a larger straw works just fine....


Well-Known Member
Is there a football game going on today or something guys ???

I've been dropping to patients since 9am and there all wearing football apparel ....one guy has called me over twice already today alone for big favors ....I'm beginning to really enjoy these crazy football parties.....walk through and see pretty strange women ....eat food if it looks good ...and on to the next ...all fucking day so far .....shits disappearing like a magic trick on me .........I like magic and football today ....:bigjoint:

A lot ......:grin: