Paint work dry, I'm declaring the room done. 3 coats of leftover beige chiffon, mostly white with faint hint of green. Wasn't going to buy white paint just for this. Close enough.
Electrician buddy was over earlier, hooked in line #2. It's a twin line room now. More than enough for my little space here.
This is the actual grow space pictured. About 46" x 32". It works well for 6 big plants. I've squeezed 9 in there, 7 max now. Need air flow through the jungle.
Made cover plate out of leftover luwan, probably won't be the last. Put eye hooks back up into the joist. I can't wait to fire up again, a couple months out till I'm done with the other rooms.
My electrician buddy said the room looked a little racist, all white. I pointed out the ceiling and floor, and the fact that he grows in white tents. It's nice to have an electrician that dosen't ask why I need 4 outlet boxes and 2 lines in a closet.
I'm trying to think of something clever to mark the circuit with in the breaker box.
Now I have to move everything back in there. Be working late again.