What did you accomplish today?

I am at the hospital visiting the boss, Mrs. Tangerinegreen.

I was walking in the hall looking at cell phone when I felt something and heard a beep.

If this thing touches me inappropriately again, I'll fuck it up good.

View attachment 3924210
The nerve of some robots!
You saw Judge Dredd. (Or maybe Fifth Element ...) Some dude in a box felt you up. And didn't pay you in noodles.
It isn't easy to maintain two places.

And the wife twisted her back over the weekend moving boxes around so I could paint.

Last night took her to ER, she should have went to Dr. on Monday but went to chiro 4 times in 3 days who probably made it worse. They admitted her after CT scan showed nothing with pain induced BP 200 over 100.

Supposed to do MRI today, but she started throwing up from pain. On morphene now. My daughter stayed with her all day so I could work.

No I have to go to hospital for the evening and hopefully cheer her up with pics.

Don't get old. It sucks bad when you hurt.

Bummer about your wife, man. :(

I'm prepping a care package:

I've been replacing a basement window, just one, for 2 days now. It started when I was leaf blowing and blew the window out, apparently it was a little rotted, lol. No problem, I had a window, the same kind, I had removed last year and saved. Busted the old window out and...WTF, bricks? In a poured foundation? Apparently the cut opening was too big, it was built up with brick then skim coated, except there wasn't any mortar between them and they were set so they pitched into the basement. Close up the hole for the night.

Out to get mortar in the morning. Get back, get side tracked for a couple hours, helping my buddy build a front end for a mini bike, our fat assess are bending the stock one.. lol. Ok back to work, mortared that shit up, built up a nice grade to the outside, go to fit the window.. FUCK! too much mortar..window won't fit. The window was an old wood frame window, so I figure i'm in this deep might as well do it right, go back and buy a slightly smaller, vinyl double pane insulated window. Rip some boards down to frame the opening, get it framed up, window in.. Where's my masonry screws??? Hour+ spent searching for those and my masonry drills, find them..oh yeah, they're hex head, I need counter sunk inside the new window channel...back to the hardware store.

I just got back, I'm smoking now, drinking orange Fanta and vodka, trying to get psyched up about going to finish this up by flashlight in the cold.
I am at the hospital visiting the boss, Mrs. Tangerinegreen.

I was walking in the hall looking at cell phone when I felt something and heard a beep.

If this thing touches me inappropriately again, I'll fuck it up good.

View attachment 3924210
The nerve of some robots!

That would be the most epic thing to stick a awkwardly large suction cup dildo to the front of .......even funnier,, somebody would have to remove it and walk down the hall with it .

One huge suction dildo and a condom headed your way tang.

Whoa! That is the coolest little dude. Crab of some sort? Maybe a spider, some kind of arthropod. Very excellent photos
Thanks. I dropped my Lumix GX8 and I just took these with a Canon Powershot S110 and a wet diopter. No lights.

My set up is Nikon D3 w/Subal housing w/various ports, hang some lights and end up with serious drag.
I haven't been diving since I had to pins in my shoulder 4 yrs ago, I need to bulk back up.

Nice visibility, whats the depth 15'?
My set up is Nikon D3 w/Subal housing w/various ports, hang some lights and end up with serious drag.
I haven't been diving since I had to pins in my shoulder 4 yrs ago, I need to bulk back up.

Nice visibility, whats the depth 15'?
All between 5 and 15 meters except that purple princess and the selfie. The purple fish was hanging out with me during the safety stop and I might have been floating a bit while trying to charm her. San Andres has very good vis, one of the few places I have seen in the Caribbean with more than 30 meters of vis, at least during my dives today.
I'll make a thread here in T&T and upload a shit ton of diving pics. As for these, anyone may feel free to copy, share, save, use as desktop background, wallpaper etc...

Whatever is cool, just don't try to trademark my shit lol. I specifically left them without watermarks or some dumb fucking labels because I want people to enjoy this amazing ecology before it is gone.