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Cool man, I like the "wild" pics.. I live in the city we have domestic cats and dogs..lol

I live in the city too but we have had coyotes moving into the area for a few years now. I almost hit one driving home the other day around 730pm, it ran right out across the road. We have a large rabbit population near my house and i believe that is the reason the coyotes are moving into the area
I live in the city too but we have had coyotes moving into the area for a few years now. I almost hit one driving home the other day around 730pm, it ran right out across the road. We have a large rabbit population near my house and i believe that is the reason the coyotes are moving into the area
Coyotes love cats. We lost two cats and I could hear the damn coyotes in the area.
And when in the shop at night sometimes I'll shine a flashlight across the lake and their almost always 2/4 sets of eyes .
I live in the city too but we have had coyotes moving into the area for a few years now. I almost hit one driving home the other day around 730pm, it ran right out across the road. We have a large rabbit population near my house and i believe that is the reason the coyotes are moving into the area
We will get the occasional black bear at the beach..lol must have got lost..
Coyotes love cats. We lost two cats and I could hear the damn coyotes in the area.
And when in the shop at night sometimes I'll shine a flashlight across the lake and their almost always 2/4 sets of eyes .

That they do man. My state didnt use to have a season on coyote. I use fo hunt them on this farmers property and we would always find them by the old barn that was overrun by cats. We were even allowed to bait them untill a few years ago, buy half a pig leg from a farmer or get scraps from the butcher put it 75 to 80 yards downwind of us and and wait a few hours. I could easily take anywhere from 3 to 8 a night
Do you live in a rural area? They sell airrifles that can easily kill a groundhog with less noise. Do you have other animals running around? If not poison? Around here if your not in the city limits, you can kill groundhogs and nothing any1 can do even if they get offended. There a nuisance animal
Yeah my neighbors would probably frown upon that. I have a havaheart trap but it only catches raccoons. The fucking groundhogs don't do traps around here.
Found this on google ( snares also work well)

Expert Baiting Tips. In Havahart® field tests, cantaloupe was the best bait for attracting groundhogs andwoodchucks. Cut cantaloupe into 2" cubes, and rub the cantaloupe juice and rind throughout the inside and outside of the trap. Set the trap with some of the fruit in the position indicated above.
If you are on a busy road put apples on the other side of the street until it gets hit by a car. Some old farmer told me about that but I never tried it

Ohh that's funny. And it answers the age old question of " why did the ground hog cross the road".

I use to have a lot of trouble raccoons but after I got a Dane I haven't seen one since, Chipmunks now that is a on going problem after the coyotes got the cats the damn ground squirrels took over.
Do you live in a rural area? They sell airrifles that can easily kill a groundhog with less noise. Do you have other animals running around? If not poison? Around here if your not in the city limits, you can kill groundhogs and nothing any1 can do even if they get offended. There a nuisance animal

My wife got me one made by gamo 1400 fps. 22 caliber and it has a pretty good report, I don't know how far the sound carries , but it is stout.
So my electrician buddy came over to hook up the generator. It took 3 hours to levitate it over the wall.
View attachment 3938020
Don't try to use a manual furnace jack, better luck with telekinesis. Elevated but couldn't push it off.View attachment 3938034
So back to the drawing board.
Ultimately jacked onto a cart, pushed around driveway through yard while leap frogging 2 pieces of plywood. In the rain to make it more interesting.
View attachment 3938024
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Electronics hooked up, still need gas line and the company inspector to come out and put the 12 volt battery in.
No starting them yourself unless you want to void the warranty.
Hope to fire it up on Wednesday. Maybe.
If everything is wired up right.

Another thing I have to change the oil and filter on, looks like a mean ass V-2 in there.View attachment 3938031
Paint some skulls and put ape hangers on that fucker