What did you accomplish today?

I just keep my bin in the garage. Initially it smelled, but that was because I set it up wrong. Once that problem was fixed, there's been zero smell & very little runoff.
Any way you could pm me the details ? :)
Nothing fancy, and I could have done it cheaper with a DIY.
One thing I do like about the worm factory 360 is that my local landscaping wholesaler sells the Anderson flats for $5. It came with four which was definitely not enough. My mistake was using brown paper grocery bags in the bottom of the first tray, which trapped water and took too long to decompose. One sheet of newspaper is all you need.
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Here's the can we use in the kitchen. It has a charcoal filter to control smell & allow some airflow. Also keeps bugs out.
Time to feed my babies!
@Drowning-Man let me park my box next to your tent.
Do it up right, mijo. Tag that bitch