Mmmmm. I bet your mom would look so hot in that full body tattoo suit. I could get all the young men to think I was a teenager again. What a hoot!
That aroma of schmaltz and kreplach might give it away ;(Mmmmm. I bet your mom would look so hot in that full body tattoo suit. I could get all the young men to think I was a teenager again. What a hoot!
I took a mortar to the stomach last night. Dad knocked a tube over and there it went.I took some shrapnel to the left eye ....wait until I post a pic of my shirt I had on ....mine was from a giant ballistic style bottle rocket ....the stick was the size of a broom handle .....it had a weird wax type fuse on it ...they almost burn like a candle for a bit and then the fuse lights .....well this one melted the explosive head off the stick .....and before I could react ...((BOOM)) momma Inda couldn't find anything in my eye ....so it must be a scratch maybe ....it's watering like =your moms= pussy and is very annoying every time I blink ......I learned my lesson for sure .....buy better illegal fireworks with normal fuses next year ......good night guys/gals
NOTE- when I said =your mom= I was talking about our new wine drinking member who posted earlier....I felt I needed to clear that up ...lol
And PENIS!!!!!!!
Fucking eye FUCK!!!
mmmm schmaltzThat aroma of schmaltz and kreplach might give it away ;(
IDK, if it had moisture wicking fabric.. might be kinda comfy in the summer.
I know the needle to the eye feeling ....As a young boy I played baseball constantly ((pitcher&first base)) the one thing I have ass loads of trophies for....so when I was young about 9 or 10 I'd say. I was out smacking rocks from my driveway with a stick ....did this everyday after school ...there was a fence across the street and I'd try to smack all dad's gravel over the fence for a home run.....Well one day I couldn't find my stick/bat I used for hitting rocks .....so I grabbed my actual aluminum Louisville slugger and decided that would work .....it worked very well ....I was fuckin those rocks up ....fast forward to the next morning ....I woke up and only one eye openedI'd get that eye looked at bro. I've had plenty of shit dug outta my eyes. It fucking sucks. I hate needles at the best of times. More so when there's one coming towards your eye and you've gotta stay still.
That's the life of a foundry man though. Kinda glad that stage of my life is past. No more metal sparks seared into my eyes. In case you're wondering. Safety goggles only work if the seals aren't fucked. And they actually fit your face properly...
Oh and grinder sparks up the nose are a bitch too.
Huh, weird, I have an aluminum bat that I've been using for years to hit rocks when I'm on the beach, I've never noticed any shrapnel injuries, and it's definitely missing chunks.I know the needle to the eye feeling ....As a young boy I played baseball constantly ((pitcher&first base)) the one thing I have ass loads of trophies for....so when I was young about 9 or 10 I'd say. I was out smacking rocks from my driveway with a stick ....did this everyday after school ...there was a fence across the street and I'd try to smack all dad's gravel over the fence for a home run.....Well one day I couldn't find my stick/bat I used for hitting rocks .....so I grabbed my actual aluminum Louisville slugger and decided that would work .....it worked very well ....I was fuckin those rocks up ....fast forward to the next morning ....I woke up and only one eye opened.....I ran to the bathroom and my eye looked like a swollen pink vagina ((for visual)).....Mom took me to the clinic and the doctor found copious amounts of aluminum in my eye .....they had to scrape and dig into my eye forever ....then I had to be a pirate for a few months ....they dug it out on two seperate occasions ....SCARY shit ....of course everyone was wondering how the metal got in my eye to begin with ....I remember mom and dad asking if I was blowing cans up with firecrackers LOL......Then dad asked what I did the day before ....that's how we figured out what it was .....every rock I hit was taking chunks out of the bat ......so a couple surgeries and a pirate patch ....and having to wear those dark old people goggles as a kid
......taught me how important eye protection is ......to this day I have what I call floaters in my left eye ....they look like clear strands of pubic hair that float across my vision ....and my sight isn't great either out of that eye ..........last night when my eye got hit ....I immediately screamed ...it's ok,it's my bad eye.........The doc told me as a boy he had to leave a few pieces that were super deep and in important areas.....he said they may come out on there own ((shruggs)).....you should see me read an eye chart ....real good with my right eye .....might as well be in chinese for my left .......so now I wear eye protection for everything .....can't afford to hurt my good eye ....I even wear swimming goggles during sex
I keep that bat by my door for obvious reasons to this day .....il snap a pic of it later.
My eye feels more like it got hit/punched more than something stuck in it from last night ((thankfully)).....I'm just a little concerned cause I had some dried blood in the corner of my eye when I woke up .....but my vision seems as fucked up as ever so IDK .
Oh, and the batter stance is what saved my right eye from the metal.
I had a similar experience golfing. When my buddy tried to hit a tee shot with a 3 iron, the head snapped off and went flying by MY head -- within a couple of inches. I actually heard it whiz by!Huh, weird, I have an aluminum bat that I've been using for years to hit rocks when I'm on the beach, I've never noticed any shrapnel injuries, and it's definitely missing chunks.
We were hiking once and my buddy brought an alum T ball bat. He was going around knocking over dead trees, when all of a sudden I heard this huge CRACK and something went whooshing by my head. I looked at him and He was staring at me, broken bat in hand and sheet white. He had broken the bat in half when he hit a tree that wasn't rotted and about 10" of the end, with nice jagged breaks, went flying about 6" behind my head. He said He said he saw it all happen in slow motion once the bat broke and thought i was dead.
Wouldn't let me like your post soDid he get the full 30 days?
We should start a petition...
Careful dude....mines an aluminum Louisville and it fucked my eye up homie.....if you see chunks missing like you mentioned above ....you're probably getting very lucky ....just be careful ...waking up with swollen vagina eye sucks.Huh, weird, I have an aluminum bat that I've been using for years to hit rocks when I'm on the beach, I've never noticed any shrapnel injuries, and it's definitely missing chunks.
We were hiking once and my buddy brought an alum T ball bat. He was going around knocking over dead trees, when all of a sudden I heard this huge CRACK and something went whooshing by my head. I looked at him and He was staring at me, broken bat in hand and sheet white. He had broken the bat in half when he hit a tree that wasn't rotted and about 10" of the end, with nice jagged breaks, went flying about 6" behind my head. He said He said he saw it all happen in slow motion once the bat broke and thought i was dead.
neosporin in the tube Annie?Keep your affected eye closed for 24 hours. Usually we put some neosporin (opthalmic) in your eye and then a piece of gauze over your eyelid and tape it. After 24 hours if it's still scratchy you need to go to the urgent care, or an opthalmologist and have them put some flourescein in your eye and take a look.
Next year wear a face shield and body armor for this type of work, don't forget the leather chaps![]()
This post inspired me! I began to cogitate on what would be a tribute to Bobby Z? With the advent of our newest sock, =your mom=, I realized my oyster could never be moister. Then I had the epiphany; it was time to get that boob enhancement. So today, just for our Bobby I'm going to have my boobs returned to my chest! After all it's never too late.Wouldn't let me like your post so
I can't stand when one of the crew gets turtled. Especially when it's because of one of our resident psychopaths socks. Bob did what he had to do, I'm sure will all have to stuff our meat in a socks fart box for the greater good of RIU at some point......just sucks it was Bob, and the homosexual hating sock, who is actually a homosexual gets to stay ((smh))....we all need to go on a sock hunt in BZ's honor .....I've decided to hold off on more exercise and eating healthy until Bob returns ....we should all make a sacrifice for our absent brother.
I sent one of my balloons filled with many drugs a midget prostitute and some left over illegal fireworks in Bobs direction.....not sure exactly where he lives ...but I hope he gets it .
Yes I could of sent him a full sized prostitute ...but I had to keep the weight down on the balloons.
No exercise or healthy food until Bob is back.
We were trying to pull a truck out of the mud one time. I learned to hook to the frame and not the ball on the hitch.I had a similar experience golfing. When my buddy tried to hit a tee shot with a 3 iron, the head snapped off and went flying by MY head -- within a couple of inches. I actually heard it whiz by!
Not fucking cool man!
God that was beautiful...This post inspired me! I began to cogitate on what would be a tribute to Bobby Z? With the advent of our newest sock, =your mom=, I realized my oyster could never be moister. Then I had the epiphany; it was time to get that boob enhancement. So today, just for our Bobby I'm going to have my boobs returned to my chest! After all it's never too late.
It's an opthalmic ointment! The solution is worthless for this type of injury. Here's the info on it.neosporin in the tube Annie?
I stayed home from working today, just to stay away from the dust and hay floating around from loading trucks .....I can't see a cut where blood would even come from...and the scratchy feeling is far less than yesterday ....it feels more like it was poked ....kind of like a bruised feeling if that makes sense.
During this solemn and mournful interval, I shall maintain a severe discipline in honor of our fallen warrior of knitted footwear.Wouldn't let me like your post so
I can't stand when one of the crew gets turtled. Especially when it's because of one of our resident psychopaths socks. Bob did what he had to do, I'm sure will all have to stuff our meat in a socks fart box for the greater good of RIU at some point......just sucks it was Bob, and the homosexual hating sock, who is actually a homosexual gets to stay ((smh))....we all need to go on a sock hunt in BZ's honor .....I've decided to hold off on more exercise and eating healthy until Bob returns ....we should all make a sacrifice for our absent brother.
I sent one of my balloons filled with many drugs a midget prostitute and some left over illegal fireworks in Bobs direction.....not sure exactly where he lives ...but I hope he gets it .
Yes I could of sent him a full sized prostitute ...but I had to keep the weight down on the balloons.
No exercise or healthy food until Bob is back.
TYIt's an opthalmic ointment! The solution is worthless for this type of injury. Here's the info on it.